
[돼지독감] 브라질 사망자 557명, 미국(522명) 앞질러

브라질의 돼지독감 사망자가 557명으로 미국의 사망자 522명을 앞질렀다는 afp통신의 기사입니다. 브라질, 미국 다음으로 많은 사망자가 발생한 국가는 아르헨티나로 439명이 사망했습니다. (참고 : 한국 사망자 2명, 일본 사망자 4명)

브라질 정부당국은 총인구 대비 사망률(mortality rate)에서는 브라질이 7위라고 강조했다고 합니다. 사망률 순위는 아르헨티나, 칠레, 코스타리카, 우르과이, 호주, 파라과이, 브라질 순입니다. 미국의 사망률 순위는 13위입니다.

아메리카 대륙은 WHO 통계에 따르면 전체 사망자의 90%가 발생한 최악의 돼지독감 바이러스 감염 위험 지역입니다.


Brazil tops global swine flu toll with 557 deaths: officials

출처 : AFP 통신 Wed Aug 26, 7:21 pm ET

SAO PAULO (AFP) – Brazil now has 557 swine flu deaths, making it the country with the highest number of fatalities in the world from the disease, according to figures announced by the health ministry Wednesday.

The toll puts it ahead of the latest count from the United States, which as of August 20 had 522 swine flu deaths, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Brazil’s health ministry said in a statement the government was freeing up one billion dollars to buy 73 million doses of a new vaccine being developed against swine flu, as well as Tamiflu stocks, hospital equipment and diagnostic gear.

It added that the infection rate appeared to be diminishing in the country, which is about to exit the southern hemisphere winter at the end of this month.

The ministry stressed that, as a ratio of its population of 190 million, Brazil’s mortality rate from the virus ranked 7th in the world.

Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Australia and Paraguay all had higher rates on that basis, it said, referring to data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

The United States, which has a population of 300 million, came 13th on the list.

The Americas is the worst-hit region in the world in terms of swine flu deaths, accounting for more than 90 percent of the global count given by the World Health Organization.

After Brazil and the United States, Argentina is the country to suffer the most, with at least 439 swine flu deaths.

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