
[경제위기와 건강] The public health effect of economic crises and alternative policy responses in Europe: an empirical analysis

The Lancet 2009년 7월 8일자에 경제위기 시 공중보건의 영향에 관한 연구결과가 실렸습니다.

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영국 옥스퍼드대와 런던대 연구자들이  1970년부터 2007년까지 유럽연합(EU) 26개국의 자료를 분석한 내용입니다. 65세 이하의 자살자 수는 실업률이 1% 상승할 때마다 0.79%씩 늘어났습니다. 살인도 증가했구요… 교통사고사 건수는 1.39% 감소했습니다.

따라서 정부가 정부가 실험보험 등 공공지출을 증가함으로써 실업과 관련된 자살을  0.038% 감소시킬 수 있다고 합니다.

제3세계 가난한 국가들에 대한 자료분석은 빠져 있구요… 경제위기 시스트레스, 불안, 영양 감소 등이 건강에 미치는 영향은 5~7년 정도의 시차를 두고 나타나기 때문에 분석이 쉽지는 않겠지만… 이번 연구는 정부 예산을 투입을 통한 공공지출 확대가 중요하다는 사실을 보여주고 있다는 생각입니다.

자세한 내용은 이번 논문과 다음 논문도 참고하시기 바랍니다.

Managing the health effects of climate change / Prof Anthony Costello FRCPCH, Mustafa Abbas , Adriana Allen PhD, Sarah Ball BSc, Sarah Bell PhD, Prof Richard Bellamy PhD and others  / The Lancet, vol. 373 No. 9676 pp 1693-1733 / May 16, 2009

Global health equity and climate stabilisation: a common agenda / Dr Sharon Friel PhD, Michael Marmot PhD, Anthony J McMichael PhD, Tord Kjellstrom PhD, Denny Vågerö PhD / The Lancet, Vol. 372 No. 9650 pp 1677-1683 / Nov 08, 2008


The public health effect of economic crises and alternative policy responses in Europe: an empirical analysis

David Stuckler PhD a b Corresponding AuthorEmail Address, Sanjay Basu PhD c d, Marc Suhrcke PhD e f, Adam Coutts PhD g, Martin McKee MD b h

출처 : The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 8 July 2009 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61124-7


There is widespread concern that the present economic crisis, particularly its effect on unemployment, will adversely affect population health. We investigated how economic changes have affected mortality rates over the past three decades and identified how governments might reduce adverse effects.


We used multivariate regression, correcting for population ageing, past mortality and employment trends, and country-specific differences in health-care infrastructure, to examine associations between changes in employment and mortality, and how associations were modified by different types of government expenditure for 26 European Union (EU) countries between 1970 and 2007.


We noted that every 1% increase in unemployment was associated with a 0·79% rise in suicides at ages younger than 65 years (95% CI 0·16—1·42; 60—550 potential excess deaths [mean 310] EU-wide), although the effect size was non-significant at all ages (0·49%, −0·04 to 1·02), and with a 0·79% rise in homicides (95% CI 0·06—1·52; 3—80 potential excess deaths [mean 40] EU-wide). By contrast, road-traffic deaths decreased by 1·39% (0·64—2·14; 290—980 potential fewer deaths [mean 630] EU-wide). A more than 3% increase in unemployment had a greater effect on suicides at ages younger than 65 years (4·45%, 95% CI 0·65—8·24; 250—3220 potential excess deaths [mean 1740] EU-wide) and deaths from alcohol abuse (28·0%, 12·30—43·70; 1550—5490 potential excess deaths [mean 3500] EU-wide). We noted no consistent evidence across the EU that all-cause mortality rates increased when unemployment rose, although populations varied substantially in how sensitive mortality was to economic crises, depending partly on differences in social protection. Every US$10 per person increased investment in active labour market programmes reduced the effect of unemployment on suicides by 0·038% (95% CI −0·004 to −0·071).


Rises in unemployment are associated with significant short-term increases in premature deaths from intentional violence, while reducing traffic fatalities. Active labour market programmes that keep and reintegrate workers in jobs could mitigate some adverse health effects of economic downturns.


Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, King’s College, London, UK; and Wates Foundation (UK).


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