
[구제역] 영국, 웨일즈, 에핀트, 매몰지 침출수 항의 시위

지난 2001년 영국에서 구제역이 발생하여 400만 마리의 가축을 살처분했으며, 축산농가의 경제적 위기를 타개하기 위한 복지차원에서 200만 마리를 추가로 도살하였다. 600만 두 중 130만 두가 매몰되었고, 나머지는 노천소각, 이동식 소각로, 렌더링 등의 방식으로 처리했다.

 웨일스 지방의 에핀트 지역에선 침출수가 토양과 강으로 유출되어 심각한 환경문제를 일으켰으며, 지역주민들이 시위를 벌이고 항의하는 사태까지 발생했다. 결국 매몰하였던 가축의 사체를 다시 파내 소각을 하는 일까지 벌어졌는데, 주민들은 소각처리도 환경오염이 되기 때문에 렌더링 처리를 할 것을 요구하며 대규모 시위를 벌이기도 했다.

Villagers vow to fight carcass burning

B BC Friday, 20 April, 2001, 10:15 GMT 11:15 UK
 http://cdnedge.b bc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/1286988.stm

Protesters in mid Wales intend to fight on against the planned burning of animal carcasses, after the Welsh Assembly called a halt to the burial of sheep and cattle.

Campaigners at Epynt, near Sennybridge, are concerned that the heat from the burning process will not be intense enough to ensure no further disease is spread.

Epynt Disaster Group spokesman Edwin Roderick said that particles can be seen around the countryside.

Several residents from Epynt and Trecastle had claimed the dumping of carcasses at the army range had made them ill.

Welsh Rural Affairs Minister Carwyn Jones confirmed on Thursday that burials on the Eppynt mountain range near Sennybridge, will stop but the burning of carcasses will continue.

The development is one of the biggest setbacks faced by the assembly and Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Maff) officials, who already face a backlog of animals awaiting slaughter and burial or burning.

The burial operation on the Eppynt mountain ranges – where there have been almost constant demonstrations – had been beset with problems for weeks.

It is now thought a new disposal site – believed to be in Powys – will be found and that many of the foot-and-mouth carcasses will now be sent to a rendering plant at Wigan.

U-turn welcomed

Welsh Rural Affairs Minister Carwyn Jones confirmed the decision in a press conference at the assembly on Thursday afternoon.

The policy u-turn will be welcomed by residents at Trecastle, who have opposed the disposal operation from the outset, claiming it would become an “ecological time bomb”.

They maintained the burial of up to 180,000 carcasses on Mynydd Eppynt would lead to pollution of rivers and watercourses.

Mr Jones said the Epynt burning operation would continue for “a little while longer” to get on top of things.

Meanwhile, in north Wales a small group of Anglesey farmers is still refusing to allow their animals to be culled.

Maff officials are due to meet the five livestock owners and – if they continue to refuse – the ministry could seek legal action.

Tip opposition

The owners have been criticised by FUW president Bob Parry for undermining the cull operation on the island, which is credited with stemming the spread of foot-and-mouth on Anglesey.

Mr Jones has appealed to the livestock owners to comply with the cull operation.

Meanwhile, Anglesey council has warned that it would oppose any plans to dispose of more animal carcasses on the island’s Penhesgyn tip, as part of the Livestock Welfare Scheme.

According to the council, the landfill site is one of several being considered by the Welsh Assembly.

But earlier this month the local authority decided unanimously that no more livestock carcasses should be disposed at Penhesgyn.

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