
[광우병] 네덜란드, 폴란드의 동물성 사료 재사용 요구 지지

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The Netherlands backs animal protein in feed plan

출처 : DutchNews Monday 21 February 2011

The Netherlands backs Poland in its call for the European Union to allow animal products to be used again in animal feed, as long as the risk of mad cow disease has been eradicated, the Volkskrant reports on Monday.

Animal protein has been banned from animal feed since the 1990s following the BSE scandal.

Poland, which takes over the revolving EU chairmanship in the second half of this year, wants to use pig and chicken waste in feed because it is much cheaper than soya.

The paper says the Netherlands backs the proposal on condition chicken meal is not fed to chickens or pig meal to pigs. It also opposes the use of protein from ruminants, such as cows and goats.

Last year there were three cases of mad cow disease in the Netherlands.

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