
[돼지독감] 아메리카 지역 돼지독감 감염자 및 사망자(8.28)


RU_Pandemic_H1N1_2009_August28_2009[1].pdf (300.76 KB)

2009년 8월 28일 범미보건기구(PAHO) 공식집계

아메리카 지역 돼지독감 감염자(확정진단) 116,046
아메리카 지역 돼지독감 사망자                        2,234
(캐나다, 미국 등의 국가들은 감염자 통계를 더 이상 작성하지 않으며 사망자 통계만
발표하고 있음)

국가     감염자      사망자

Brazil     5,206         557

USA         43,771      522

Argentina 7,173       439

Mexico      20,860     179

Chile         12,194       130

Canada   10,156         71

Regional Update Pandemic (H1N1) 2009
(August 28, 2009 – 17 h GMT; 12 h EST)

출처 : 범미보건기구(PAHO) 2009.8.28

전문은 첨부파일 참조

Table 2. Number of cases and deaths confirmed for the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus
Region of the Americas. Updated as of August 28, 2009 (17 h GMT; 12 h EST)

Country / Number of confirmed cases / Number of deaths / New cases / (since August 21) New deaths(since August 21)

Antigua & Barbuda 3 0 0 0
Argentina 7,173 439 405 35
Bahamas 23 0 0 0
Barbados 60 0 13 0
Belize 23 0 0 0
Bolivia 1,389 19 121 3
Brazil 5,206 557 2,119 189
Canada* 10,156 71 0 0
Chile** 12,194 130 19 2
Colombia 507 29 140 6
Costa Rica 1,058 33 40 2
Cuba 306 0 0 0
Dominica 1 0 0 0
Dominican Republic 182 5 0 0
Ecuador 1,382 36 246 9
El Salvador 726 17 20 2
Grenada 3 0 0 0
Guatemala 720 12 96 2
Guyana 7 0 0 0
Haiti 5 0 0 0
Honduras 363 7 21 0
Jamaica 80 4 11 0
Mexico 20,860 179 1,226 15
Nicaragua 659 2 0 1
Panama 647 6 0 0
Paraguay 472 41 0 0
Peru 6,608 80 1,193 34
Saint Kitts & Nevis 6 1 0 0
Saint Lucia 13 0 5 0
Saint Vincent & Grenadines 2 0 0 0
Suriname 11 0 0 0
Trinidad & Tobago 97 0 0 0
United States* 43,771 522 0 0
Uruguay* 550 20 0 0
Venezuela 783 24 163 7
TOTAL 116,046 2,234 5,838 307

*These countries no longer update on the total number of confirmed cases. However they do update the number of deaths.

** There are 358,446 cases compatible with the case definition; of those, 12,194 have been confirmed for the pandemic (H1N1)2009 virus.

Source: Ministries of Health of the countries in the Region

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