
영국 국영의료서비스(NHS) 제도 70년의 성과

영국 국영의료서비스(NHS) 70주년의 성과 중 하나로, 모든 여성에게 피임약을 포함한 피임수단을 무료로 이용할 수 있도록 한 것을 꼽은 BMJ.
자세한 내용은 아래 링크 참조

1. Providing care based on need and free at the point of delivery
2. General practice as the foundation for patient care
3. Staff working for a common good
4. Encouraging and supporting research and innovation
5. Comprehensive childhood vaccination programme
6. Free contraception for all women
7. Raising the status of anaesthesia as a specialty
8. Promoting patient centred care
9. Access to in vitro fertilisation
10. Championing evidence based medicine
11. Leading the world in cost effective healthcare
12. Limiting commercial influence on patient care

NHS’s greatest achievement after 70 years: The BMJ shortlist

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