
[돼지독감] 캐나다, 돼지독감 타미플루 내성 사례 첫 보고

캐나다 보건당국이 돼지독감 환자 중에서 치료제 타미플루에 내성이 확인된 북미대륙 첫번째 환자가 확인되었다고 발표했다는 소식입니다.

내성 사례는 궤백 주에 사는 60세 남성으로 돼지독감에 감염된 아들로 접총한 후 치료용으로 추천되는 양보다 소량으로 타미플루를 경구복용한 바 있다고 합니다.

만성 기관지염을 앓고 있는 노령의 환자는 타미플루를 투약하고 있던 사이에 이미 돼지독감 바이러스( A(H1N1) virus)에 감염되었던 것으로 추정된다고 합니다.

참고로 돼지독감 환자 중에서 타미플루 내성 사례는 이미 덴마크, 일본, 홍콩에서 공식 확인된 바 있습니다.


First case in Americas of drug-resistant swine flu: reports

출처 : AFP통신 Wed Jul 22, 3:39 pm ET

MONTREAL (AFP) – Health officials in Canada have identified a case of swine flu that has proved resistant to the antiviral drug Tamiflu, media reports said Wednesday.

The case was detected in a Quebec man in his 60s, who had been taking a smaller-than-recommended dose of the drug before coming in contact with his son, who was ill with the virus, The Journal de Quebec and other local newspapers reported.

The elderly patient, who also suffers from chronic bronchitis, presumably already had become infected with the A(H1N1) virus while taking the Tamiflu medication — which any rate was administered in doses too small to ward off the virus.

Doctors called the revelation “disquieting” proof of the virus’s ability to evolve quickly, and noted a handful of similar drug-resistant swine flu cases that have cropped up elsewhere.

“This would be the first case to our knowledge of Tamiflu resistance in swine fly in North America,” said Guy Boivin, a physician at the Laval University Medical Center in Quebec, noting cases of drug resistance in Denmark, Japan and Hong Kong.

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