
국내 정치에 부딛히다 : 건강 형평에 영향을 끼치는 국제적, 지역적 요인


GlobalLocalInfluenceHealthEquity.pdf (841.30 KB)

자유무역협정, 기후 변화, 세계 경제 위기 사례 등을 분석하면서 일국의 국내 건강 형평 정책에 영향을 끼치는 요인이 국제적인 요인도 있고 국내적인 요인도 있으므로, 어느 하나를 기각하거나 과도하게 어느 하나를 강조하지 말고 이를 상호복합적으로 해석하고 개입해야 함을 지적

Bringing (domestic) politics back in: global and local influences on health equity

The Lancet-University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance for health correctly concluded that: ‘with globalization, health inequity increasingly results from transnational activities that involve actors with different interests and degrees of power’. At the same time, taking up that Commission’s focus on political determinants of health and ‘power asymmetries’ requires recognizing the interplay of globalization with domestic politics, and the limits of global influences as explanations for policies that affect health inequalities. I make this case using three examples e trade policy, climate change policy, and the domestic politics of poverty reduction and social policy e and a concluding observation about the 2015 UK election.


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