
[WHO-EU] European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services


European Action Plan.pdf (407.48 KB)

공중보건 역량 강화를 위한 유럽의 전략

공중보건 역량 강화를 위한 10개 영역을 제시하고 각 영역의 목표를 제시

European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services

This document outlines some of the major challenges facing health policies and systems in
the WHO European Region, including consideration of public health services and
infrastructures and the public health aspects of health care services. It is informed by the
evidence gathered through the process of the WHO/Europe-led evaluation of public health
services in over 20 European countries, the Review of Public Health Capacities in the
European Union and additional studies on policy tools and instruments for public health, as
well as a “snapshot analysis” of organizational models for delivering the EPHOs. These
reports will be presented to the Regional Committee at its 62nd session as information

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