
[GMO] 몬산토의 Bt독소 옥수수 실패, 저항성 해충 증가로 살충제 사용량 늘어

몬산토는 western corn rootworm를 죽이는 독소를 생산하는 유전자조작 옥수수인 Bt 옥수수를
개발하여 살충제의 사용량이 줄어들었다고 주장하고 있으나… Bt 독소에도 죽지않는 저항성
벌레(western corn rootworm)들이 많이 늘어나 경제적 손실이 발생하자 옥수수 경작자들이
살충제 사용량을 대폭 늘리고 있다는 최근 뉴스입니다.

전문가들은 유전자조작 Bt 옥수수 재배와 살충제 사용을 늘리는 것은 도박판의 판돈을
키우는 것이나 마찬가지라고 경고하고 있으나… 거대 농식품기업(The giant agri-business) 
몬산토는 오히려 농민들에게 조삼모사와 같은 방식을 제안하고 있습니다.

몬산토 사는 농민들에게 몬산토의 특허 종자 제품(product)들을 이용하여 작물(crops)과  
특성(traits)을 순환시키라고 권유하고 있습니다. 몬산토사가 개발한 유전자조작 씨앗을
제외한 모든 생물체를 죽여버리는 라운드업 제품과 식물 내부에서  독소를 분비하여 식물을
갉아먹는 벌레를 죽이는 Bt 제품을 번갈아 사용하면 좋다면서 몬산토 입장에서 화수분처럼
끊임없이 이윤이 발생하는 ‘꽃놀이패’를 권유하고 있는 셈입니다.

몬산토 사는 이와 더불어 농민들에게 자사가 개발한 2중 기능제품(dual of mode action
 products)을 구입하라고 권유하고 있습니다.

이 방식도 몬산토사 입장에서는 끊임없이 이윤이 발생하는 ‘꽃놀이패’이지만… 농민들의
입장에서는 비싼 특허 씨앗을 구입하는 비용과 생산량 감소로 인해서 끊임없이 경제적
손실이 발생하는 최악의 상황에 처할 가능성이 높은 셈입니다.


Corn Growers Turn to Pesticides After Genetically Modified Seeds Fail


The $1 billion pest has done it before. It beat crop rotation during the 1990s when a new strain of the western corn rootworm began breeding opposite fields so they’d be ready for corn planting in the following year. “Up until then rotation of corn and soybeans was a pretty good control strategy,” University of Illinois entomologist Michael Gray told Food Safety News.

After that came the controversial genetically modified Bt seeds–from Monsanto and licensed to others—that came with built-in toxins to slay the destructive corn rootworm.  And everyone from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that approved them to Monsanto who developed them to Land Grant universities who monitor the performance of American agriculture—all said use of the Bt seeds would reduce pesticide use.

Herbicide-tolerant and Bt-transgenic crops did result in some reduced pesticide use. Charles Benbrook at Washington State University’s Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources figures Bt crops reduced insecticide use by 10-12 million pounds annually in the period from 1996 to 2011. There is USDA data showing an even more dramatic decline.

But in the last couple years, the billion dollar pest with a new immunity has begun striking back against Monsanto’s Bt seed. And America’s corn farmers—who are planting a near record 97.3 million acres this year—are responding with the only weapon in their arsenal by dramatically upping their pesticide use.

Any reduction now looks to be history. Coming off two extraordinary years when acres dedicated to corn produced $77 and nearly $80 billion, respectively, in 2011 and 2012 with corn prices of $6.22 and $7.40 per bushel, growers are not pulling back and pesticides are now one of their big “inputs” in the corn crop.

Even though $2 corn was a reality as recently as 2005, they see too many competing uses for their product to be gloomy about the future. Beverages, high fructose corn syrup, starch, cereals and sweeteners are among uses of corn in food. Corn-fed beef, poultry, pork and dairy are its principal feed uses. And then on the fuel front ethanol demands are around 500 million bushels of corn.

More pesticide bought to control another break-out of the western corn rootworm is seen by most growers as just a little more insurance, according to both Gray and Benbrook. Gray, who discovered severe rootworm injury in a Cass County, IL cornfield in June 2012, says most growers made decisions about pesticide use this year based on their harvest experiences last fall.

Earlier in 2013, Gray meet with Illinois corn and soybean growers at five locations in the state. He used hand-held “clickers’ to survey growers, finding on average 92 percent planned to plant a Bt hybrid for corn rootworm protection in 2013, but on average 46.66 percent also plan to apply insecticides at planting.

After his meetings with almost 600 Illinois growers, Gray predicted the sharp increase in planting-time soil insecticides with corn rootworm Bt hybrids. Last week, that prediction was verified with the Wall Street Journal reporting surging insecticide sales for companies like American Vanguard Corp. and Syngenta AG.

Corn growers, according to Gray, are “covering their bets” by upping their pesticide use while sticking with a Bt hybrid for corn rootworm. Benbrook agrees growers are “all in in their bet on corn.”

Gray’s work with Illinois corn growers even brought a response from Monsanto last year. The giant agri-business suggested growers using their product should rotate their crops and traits, and buy their dual of mode action products. At this point, Monsanto’s dominance in America’s cornfields is not threatened. That could change if one of its topline products is breaking down.

For 2013, more acres have been planted with genetically modified corn than ever, and its being planted with more pesticides than in more than a decade. USDA’s current forecast for harvest time is for corn selling for around $4.50 a bushel.

That would be enough to cover the “inputs” and clear a profit. Droughts or disease that reduce yields could increase prices. Memories of last fall’s corn futures of $8.50 continue to dance in the heads of growers.

With more than 40 states contributing to the U.S, corn crop, growers continue to have significant political clout. They no longer get direct payment from the USDA if prices go south, but the taxpayer-subsidized crop insurance program takes up the slack.

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