
[젠더/인권] 미국 10대 출산, 프랑스 낙태 및 피임비용 전액 보험

미 질병관리본부(CDC)는 2010년 출산한 15세~19세 청소년 산모 36만 5천 명 가운데
18%에 해당하는 6만 6천800명이 둘째 이상을 낳았다고 밝혔습니다. 10대 산모 5명 중
1명은 그 전에 출산 경험이 있다는 것입니다. 

한편 프랑스 정부는 2013년 4월부터 낙태비용의 전액을 보험이 부담하는 정책을 실시하며,
10대 청소년들에게 익명을 보장한 상태에서 무료로 피임약을 제공한다고 합니다.
(프랑스의 12주 이하 태아의 낙태는 매년 22만5천 건…프랑스 정부는 낙태피임비용으로
3170만 유로를 편성… 낙태비용 200∼450유로(약 29만∼64만원))

[참고] 중국은 1981년 계획 생육위원회를 설립하여 30년 이상 한 자녀 정책 유지. 
이 기간 동안 중국 여성 약 2억 7,200만 명 강제 낙태.

[참고] 한국 임신중절률 통계. 2011년 보건복지부 전국 가임기(15~44세) 여성 4천 명 대상
조사. 2010년 가임기 여성 1,000명당 낙태 건수 16건. 
–> 가임기 여성 1,000만명을 고려하면 약 17만 명 낙태 경험한 것으로 추정됨.


Almost 20% of teen births are not a first child

Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY7:02p.m. EDT April 2, 2013

Nearly one in five births to U.S. teens ages 15-19 is not a first child, says a federal report out today.

Of the 365,000 teens who gave birth in 2010, almost 67,000 (18.3%) have had at least one child before, according to the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s down from 19.5% in 2007. Most were the teen mom’s second child (86%).

But more teen moms are using birth control, the report says — almost 91% used some form of contraception after having had a baby. But just 22% of those used contraceptive methods considered to be “most effective” — tubal ligation, vasectomy, hormonal implant or intrauterine device (IUD). With those, the report says, the risk of becoming pregnant is less than one pregnancy in 100 users a year. The pill, injectables, the patch and the ring are considered “moderately effective.”

“The trend is definitely up both on birth control generally and using the most effective forms of birth control, which we call LARC (long-acting reversible contraception),” says CDC Director Tom Frieden. “What that’s telling us is nearly all teen moms want to avoid pregnancy and are taking steps to avoid a repeat pregnancy. But the challenge is only one in five are using the most effective means of doing that.”

More than three quarters of sexually active teen mothers used one of the “most” or “moderately effective” contraceptive methods after having a baby; they were more likely than other sexually active teens to use a long-acting method (21.5% vs. 4.5%), the report finds.

“Just having one teen birth is a challenge but having a second can just compound things,” says Jennifer Manlove, a senior research scientist who has studied repeat births for the nonprofit Child Trends, based in Bethesda, Md. She was not involved in the CDC’s report.

The highest percentages of repeat teen births were among American Indian/Alaska natives (21.6%), Hispanics (20.9%), and blacks (20.4%). The lowest percentage was among whites (14.8%). Texas had the highest percentage of any state (22%) and New Hampshire had the lowest (10%).

In eight states — Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Texas — 20% of all teen births were repeats. In seven states — Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and Wyoming — less than 15% were repeats.

Manlove says as recently as 1990, 25% of teen births were repeat births. “We have seen a steady gradual decline,” she says. “Maybe these long-acting methods are the way to go to reduce repeat teen births in the future.”

The CDC report notes that “teens are at a high risk for inconsistent use of methods that are user-dependent (e.g., condoms and oral contraceptive pills),” and that “LARC methods might be a suitable option” since they don’t require daily monitoring.

But the report says teens “face a number of barriers to LARC use, including cost, limited availability, lack of provider acceptance for this practice in teens, and teen lack of awareness of these methods.”


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