
[GMO] 몬산토사 유전자조작 옥수수의 장기 독성(Séralini)


Seralini_GM_Long_Term_Toxicity.pdf (2.18 MB)

프랑스 칸대학의 세라리니(Gilles-Eric Séralini) 박사팀은 <식품 및 화학적 독성(Food and Chemical Toxicology)> 온라인 최신호에 발표한 몬산토 사의 라운드업 제초제와 그 제초제에 내성을 가진 유전자조작 옥수수(NK603)에 대한 2년 동안의 장기독성 연구결과를 발표했다. 실험결과는 충격적이었다. GM 옥수수나 라운드업을 투여한 암컷 쥐들은 대조군에 비해 2~3배나 더 많이 사망했으며, 그것도 더 빨리 죽었다. 이러한 차이는 수컷 쥐에서도 나타났다. 모든 실험 결과들은 호르몬 및 성(sex)에 의존적인 것으로 나타났으며, 병리학적 분석에서도 유사한 결과가 나왔다. 암컷 쥐들은 대규모 유선종양이 나타났으며, 뇌하수체에 이상 증상이 그 다음으로 많이 나타났다. 연구팀은 GMO와 라운드업 제초제 때문에 성 호르몬의 균형이 변형되었기 때문에 이러한 결과가 나온 것으로 추정했다. GMO와 라운드업을 투여한 수컷 쥐에서도 간 종대 및 괴사가 대조군보다 2.5~5.5배 더 높게 나타났다. 이러한 병리학적 소견은 육안으로도 확인되었을 뿐만 아니라, 전자현미경 검사로도 확인할 수 있었다. GMO와 라운드업을 투여한 수컷 쥐는 대조군보다 현저하게 심한 신장병이 1.3~2.3배 더 나타났다. 손으로 촉진할 수 있는 큰 종양이 4배나 더 많이 확인되었는데, 어떤 경우엔 대조군보다 600일이나 빨리 발생했다. 생화학적 검사 결과에서도 아주 중요한 만성적 신장 결함이 나타났다. GMO와 라운드업을 투여한 암컷 쥐와 수컷 쥐의 76%에서 신장 관련 수치가 변화하였다. 연구팀은 이러한 결과가 라운드업 제초제의 비선형적인 내분비 교란물질 효과뿐만 아니라, GMO 안에 들어있는 이식 유전자의 과도한 발현 및 그 대사 결과로도 설명할 수 있다고 밝혔다. 현재 세라리니 박사팀의 연구결과를 둘러싸고 전 세계적으로 논쟁이 진행 중이다. 만일 세라리니 박사팀의 연구 결과가 과학적으로 인정을 받을 경우, GM 안전성과 관련한 세계 각국의 정책에 아주 큰 영향을 끼칠 것으로 예상된다.

1. 세라리니 박사팀의 연구 결과

라운드업 제초제 및 라운드업 내성 유전자조작 옥수수의 장기 독성

(1) 실험재료 및 실험방법

[표] 세라리리 팀의 2012년 연구, 해먼드 팀의 2004년 연구, 비의무적 규제실험 비교

처치 및 분석

세라리니팀 연구

Hammond 등 2004

규제 실험


GMO, GMO+라운드업, 라운드업, 대조군

GMO+라운드업, 대조군, 실질적 동등성이 없는 6개의 서로 다른 옥수수 종류

GMO 또는 화학물질

투여 횟수



적어도 3

실험 기간


3개월(아만성, 13주)


동물 분류

10/10 SD (200마리)

10/20 SD

최소 10마리

케이지 당 사육



1마리 또는 그 이상




1회 또는 그 이상

사료 및 물 소비량


사료만 측정

최소한 사료 측정

장기 및 조직 연구



최소 30

장기 무게 측정



최소 8

전자현미경 검사




행동 관찰(시간)


1(프로토콜 없음)


안과 (시간)




혈액 샘플 수/동물

11회, 0-3개월은 매월, 이후 3개월마다

2회, 4주차 및 13주차

1회, 최종단계

혈액검사 항목



최소 25(최소 2회)

혈장 성 호르몬

테스토스테론, 에스트라디올


X, 예외 – 내분비 효과 의심될 때

간 조직 변수




뇨 샘플 수



선택사항, 마지막 주

현미경 변/뇨 검사




조직 내 라운드업 잔류검사

검사 O

검사 X

의무사항 아님

조직 내 이식유전자

검사 O

검사 X

검사 X

1) 4개의 실험군 : ①라운드업 내성 NK603(몬산토) GM 옥수수 ②라운드업 내성 NK603(몬산토) GM 옥수수 + 라운드업 ③라운드업 ④대조군(closest isogenic maize)

2) 실험동물 : Virgin albino Sprague-Dawley rats 5주령 200마리.(컷 100마리, 암컷 100마리)

폴리카보네이트 재질로 만든 케이지 하나에 같은 성별의 쥐 2마리씩 사육. 수 몸무게 별로 10두씩 10개 그룹(암 5개 그룹, 수 5개 그룹) – 대조군 1개 그룹, NK603 GM 옥수수 각각 11% 22% 33% 사료급여 3그룹, 글로포세이트 1.1 × 108% 희석한 물 투여 1그룹 총 5개 그룹으로 분류함. 사료와 물에 충분히 접근할 수 있도록 하며, 1주일에 1회 교환. 물과 사료 소비량 및 개별 체중 기록. 1주에 2회 모니터링.

3) 혈액화학 분석 : 투여 전, 투여 후 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 21, 24 개월.

4) 해부병리 : 체중의 25%가 감소하거나 종양이 몸무게의 25%를 초과할 경우 인도적 안락사시킴. 뇌, 대장, 심장, 신장, 간, 폐, 난소, 췌장, 고환, 부신, 부고환, 전립선, 갑상선, 자궁, 대동맥, 방광, 뼈, 십이지장, 식도, 안구, 회장, 공장, 림프절, 망상계, 유선, 췌장, 부갑상선, 파이어스 패치, 뇌하수체, 침샘, 좌골신경, 피부, 척수, 위, 갑상선, 기관 등의 장기 수집.

5) 통계학적 분석 : 생화학적 데이터는 SIMCA-P(V12) 소프트웨어(스웨덴)로 분석함.

(2) 실험 결과

1) 사망률(Mortality)

- 수컷 대조군 : 평균 624±21일 생존 / 암컷 대조군 : 평균 701±20일 생존 (실험 시작 시 5주령 +안정화 기간 3주를 거친 후 평균 생존 기간)

- 이 기간 전에 대조군의 수컷 30%, 암컷 20% 자연사. 라운드업 내성 NK603(몬산토) GM 옥수수가 포함된 사료를 투여한 수컷 50%, 암컷 70% 사망함. (첫 사망자는 GM 옥수수를 투여한 그룹에서 2마리의 수컷 쥐에서 신장의 종양이 몸무게의 25%를 초과하여 안락사시켰는데, 이는 대조군의 첫 번째 사망 사례가 발생하기 거의 1년 전이라는 점이 특기할만함. 암컷의 첫 번째 사망 사례는 22% GM 옥수수를 투여한 그룹에서 발생했는데, 원인은 유선종양이었으며, 대조군의 첫 암컷 사망사례가 발생하기 246일 전이었다)

- 그러나 사망률은 급여량에 비례하지 않았음.

- 라운드업 및 GM 투여 그룹은 대조군에 비해 Mortality가 2~3배 높음.

(Mortality의 최대 차이는 17개월까지 11% GM 옥수수를 투여한 수컷 그룹은 대조군에 비해 5배 더 사망, 21개월까지 22% GM 옥수수를 투여한 암컷 그룹은 대조군에 비해 6배 더 사망함.)

2) 해부병리학적 관찰

- 암컷 생주의 경우, 2년 후 아주 큰 종양이 나타나는 경우가 수컷에 비해 5배나 많음(유선종양 93%. Adenomas, fibroadenomas, carcinomas는 grade보다는 size 때문에 건강을 악화시킴)

- 14개월까지 대조군 종양 0, R 또는 GM 투여 암컷 10~30%에서 종양 (예외 33% GMO + R) / 24개월이 시작될 때까지 대조군 종양 30%, R 또는 GM 처치 암컷 50~80%에서 종양.(각 개체별 3군데 종양 발생). 라운드업 투여 암컷의 경우 80%에서 종양.

- 암컷에서 유선 다음으로 2번째로 영향을 많이 받는 기관은 뇌하수체. 대조군에 비해 2배나 더 많음.(라운드업 투여군의 70~80%는 대조군에 비해 뇌하수체 이상이 1.4~2.4배 더 많이 발생했음)

- 수컷의 경우 신장과 피부에서 큰 종양이 촉진되는데, R 또는 GM 투여 수컷의 경우, 대조군에 비해 2배나 더 많이 발생했음.

- 수컷의 경우 가장 영향을 많이 받는 기관은 hepatodigestive tract, 신장과 더불어 간!

(대조군에 비해 2.5~5.5배. 특히 GMO + R군에서는 Gamma GT hepatic activity가 5.4배까지 증가.

- 신장 기능 저하로 severe chronic progressive nephropathies가 나타나는데, 33% GM 옥수수 투여군에서는 대조군에 비해 2배나 더 높았음.

Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize

  • a University of Caen, Institute of Biology, CRIIGEN and Risk Pole, MRSH-CNRS, EA 2608, Esplanade de la Paix, Caen Cedex 14032, France
  • b University of Verona, Department of Neurological, Neuropsychological, Morphological and Motor Sciences, Verona 37134, Italy
  • c University of Caen, UR ABTE, EA 4651, Bd Maréchal Juin, Caen Cedex 14032, France


[원문 파일 ==> 첨부파일]


The health effects of a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize (from 11% in the diet), cultivated with or without Roundup, and Roundup alone (from 0.1 ppb in water), were studied 2 years in rats. In females, all treated groups died 2–3 times more than controls, and more rapidly. This difference was visible in 3 male groups fed GMOs. All results were hormone and sex dependent, and the pathological profiles were comparable. Females developed large mammary tumors almost always more often than and before controls, the pituitary was the second most disabled organ; the sex hormonal balance was modified by GMO and Roundup treatments. In treated males, liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5–5.5 times higher. This pathology was confirmed by optic and transmission electron microscopy. Marked and severe kidney nephropathies were also generally 1.3–2.3 greater. Males presented 4 times more large palpable tumors than controls which occurred up to 600 days earlier. Biochemistry data confirmed very significant kidney chronic deficiencies; for all treatments and both sexes, 76% of the altered parameters were kidney related. These results can be explained by the non linear endocrine-disrupting effects of Roundup, but also by the overexpression of the transgene in the GMO and its metabolic consequences.

Monsanto Roundup weedkiller and GM maize implicated in “shocking” new cancer study

Elinor Zuke

The Grocer, 19 September 2012 


The world’s best-selling weedkiller, and a genetically modified maize resistant to it, can cause tumours, multiple organ damage and lead to premature death, new research published today reveals.

In the first ever study to examine the long-term effects of Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, or the NK603 Roundup-resistant GM maize also developed by Monsanto, scientists found that rats exposed to even the smallest amounts, developed mammary tumours and severe liver and kidney damage as early as four months in males, and seven months for females, compared with 23 and 14 months respectively for a control group.

“This research shows an extraordinary number of tumours developing earlier and more aggressively – particularly in female animals. I am shocked by the extreme negative health impacts,” said Dr Michael Antoniou, molecular biologist at King’s College London, and a member of CRIIGEN, the independent scientific council which supported the research.

GM crops have been approved for human consumption on the basis of 90-day animal feeding trials. But three months is the equivalent of late adolescence in rats, who can live for almost two years (700 days), and there have long been calls to study the effects over the course of a lifetime.

The peer-reviewed study, conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Caen, found that rats fed on a diet containing NK603 Roundup resistant GM maize, or given water containing Roundup at levels permitted in drinking water, over a two-year period, died significantly earlier than rats fed on a standard diet.

Up to half the male rats and 70% of females died prematurely, compared with only 30% and 20% in the control group. Across both sexes the researchers found that rats fed Roundup in their water or NK603 developed two to three times more large tumours than the control group. By the beginning of the 24th month, 50-80% of females in all treated groups had developed large tumours, with up to three per animal. By contrast, only 30% of the control group were affected. Scientists reported the tumours “were deleterious to health due to [their] very large size,” making it difficult for the rats to breathe, [and] causing problems with their digestion which resulted in haemorrhaging.

The paper, published in the scientific journal Food and Chemical Toxicology today, concluded that NK603 and Roundup caused similar damage to the rats’ health, whether they were consumed together or on their own. The team also found that even the lowest doses of Roundup, which fall well within authorised limits in drinking tap water, were associated with severe health problems.

“The rat has long been used as a surrogate for human toxicity. All new pharmaceutical, agricultural and household substances are, prior to their approval, tested on rats. This is as good an indicator as we can expect that the consumption of GM maize and the herbicide Roundup, impacts seriously on human health,” Antoniou added.

Roundup is widely available in the UK, and is recommended on Gardeners Question Time. But this also represents a potential blow for the growth of GM Foods.

With the global population expected to increase to nine billion by 2050, the UN has said that global food production must increase by 50%. And a consultation led by DEFRA entitled Green Food Project recommended as recently as 10 July 2012 that GM must be reassessed as a possible solution.

Some 85% of maize grown in the US is GM, while 70% of processed foods contain GM ingredients without GM labelling. In the UK and Europe GM maize is not consumed directly by humans but is widely used in animal feed without the requirement for GM labelling.

Antoniou said there could be no doubting the credibility of this peer-reviewed study. “This is the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats.”

Led by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini, the researchers studied 10 groups, each containing 10 male and 10 female rats, over their normal lifetime. Three groups were given Roundup – developed by Monstanto – in their drinking water at three different levels consistent with exposure through the food chain from crops sprayed with the herbicide. Three groups were fed diets containing different proportions of Roundup resistant maize at 11%, 22% and 33%. Three groups were given both Roundup and the GM maize at the same three dosages. The control group was fed an equivalent diet with no Roundup or NK603 containing 33% of non-GM maize.


First peer reviewed lifetime [rodent] feeding trials finds “safe” levels of GM maize and Roundup can cause tumours and multiple organ damage
Sustainable Food Trust



[Download the paper: http://bit.ly/PH3MXI]

The first animal feeding trial studying the lifetime effects of exposure to Roundup tolerant GM maize, and Roundup, the world’s best-selling weedkiller, shows that levels currently considered safe can cause tumours and multiple organ damage and lead to premature death in laboratory rats, according to research published online today by the scientific journal Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Researchers found that rats fed on a diet containing NK603 Roundup tolerant GM maize, or given water containing Roundup at levels permitted in drinking water and GM crops in the US, died earlier than rats fed on a standard diet. They suffered mammary tumours and severe liver and kidney damage.

The paper, “Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize” reports on a study conducted by a team of scientists led by molecular biologist and endocrinologist Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini, co-director of the Risk Quality and Sustainable Environment Unit at the University of Caen, France, who is an authority on studies into the health impact of GMO’s and pesticides. It was supported by independent research organisation, CRIIGEN.

Dr Michael Antoniou, molecular biologist at Kings College, London, and a member of the CRIIGEN scientific council, says:

“This is the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats. It shows an extraordinary number of tumours developing earlier and more aggressively – particularly in female animals. I am shocked by the extreme negative health impacts.”

“The rat has long been used as a surrogate for human toxicity. All new pharmaceutical, agricultural and household substances are, prior to their approval, tested on rats. This is as good an indicator as we can expect that the consumption of GM maize and the herbicide Roundup, impacts seriously on human health.”

In the peer reviewed paper, the research team say they believe this is the first long-term animal feeding trial to examine the effects of Roundup, the world’s most used herbicide, and a commercial Roundup tolerant GM maize. Researchers studied 10 groups, each containing 10 male and 10 female rats, over their normal lifetime – two years.

Three groups were given Roundup in their drinking water, at three different levels consistent with exposure through the food chain from crops sprayed with the weedkiller: the mid level corresponded to the maximum level permitted in the US in some GM feed; the lowest corresponded to contamination found in some tap waters. Three groups were fed diets which contained different proportions of NK603 – 11%, 22% and 33%. Three groups were given both Roundup and NK603 at the same three dosages. The final control group was fed an equivalent diet with no Roundup or NK603 but containing 33% of equivalent non-GM maize.

Researchers found that NK603 and Roundup both caused similar damage to the rats’ health whether they were consumed on their own or together. Females developed fatal mammary tumours and pituitary disorders. Males suffered liver damage, developed kidney and skin tumours and experienced problems with their digestive system. The team also identified a “threshold effect” where even the lowest doses were associated with severe health problems.

The report states: “Similar degrees of pathological symptoms were noticed in this study to occur from the lowest to the highest doses suggesting a threshold effect. This corresponds to levels likely to arise from consumption or environmental exposure, such as either 11% GM maize in food, or 50ng/L of glyphosate in R-formulation [the lowest concentration of Roundup in the rats' drinking water] as can be found in some contaminated drinking tap waters, and which falls within authorized limits.”

*Up to 50% of males and 70% of females died prematurely (before deaths could be put down to normal aging) compared with only 30% and 20% in the control group.

*Across all treatments and both sexes, researchers found treated rats developed 2-3 times more large tumours than the control group, defined as 17.5mm in females and 20mm in males.

*By the beginning of the 24th month 50%-80% of females in all treated groups had developed large tumours, with up to three per animal. Only 30% of the controls were affected.

*The tumours “were deleterious to health due to a very large size”, making it difficult for the rats to breathe, causing problems with their digestion and resulting in haemorrhaging.

*The first large detectable tumours appeared after four and seven months in males and females respectively but only after 14 months in the female control group and 23 months in a control male. However, the majority of tumours were only detectable after 18 months.

Treated males suffered severe liver and kidney dysfunction. Liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5 to 5.5 times higher than in the control group. There were also 1.3 – 2.3 times more instances of “marked and severe” kidney disease.

The lowest dose tested in the study (50 nanograms per litre) is below safety limits for glyphosate in water and crops. EU legislation sets the maximum permitted concentration (MPC) in water at 0.1 microgram/litre, 1 mg/kg in maize, and 20 mg/kg in other animal feeds like soy, oats and barley. The US sets a Maximum Residual Level (MRL) in some animal feed of 400mg/kg.

The research findings raise serious questions about the current regulatory process for licensing industrial chemicals, pesticides and other novel crops. The scientists observe that GM crops have been approved safe for consumption on the basis of 90-day animal feeding trials. They also point out that only Roundup’s active principle, glyphosate, has been tested rather than the commercial product, which includes ingredients that enable the glyphosate to penetrate plants more efficiently.

The research also highlights the urgent need for more research into the long-term effects of all GM food crops, which are currently grown on 1.8% of the world’s agricultural land. In the US, 70% of processed foods contain GM ingredients without GM labeling, and 85% of maize now grown in the U.S. is GM. In the UK and Europe, GM maize is not consumed directly by humans but it is widely included in animal feed. Hundreds of thousands of tons of GM maize are imported to the UK each year for use in the diets of chickens, pigs and dairy cows. Meat and dairy products from animals fed on GM are currently sold in British supermarkets without any requirement for GM labeling.

Patrick Holden, Founder and Director for the Sustainable Food Trust, says:
“This research raises a number of serious issues and it is now essential that regulators examine the findings carefully and that other researchers replicate this study on a larger scale to see if the same results are obtained. “Looking critically at all aspects of food production, be they intensive, low input, organic or GM crops, has become a priority given that we can no longer be sure that global food supplies will be capable of feeding the growing global population. GM crops hold out the promise of helping to meet the triple challenges of climate change, resource depletion and population increase, but if they have negative effects on health we need to recognise this as quickly as possible and apply our energies in other areas. “On the basis of this study, we have to conclude that there is now a serious question mark over the safety of at least one GM crop. This suggests that all currently licensed GM crops should be re-evaluated and that in future safety studies in laboratory animals must be conducted over significantly longer periods of time that are equivalent to the animals’ normal life span not simply their adolescence.”

The researchers hypothesize that the reason why NK603 GM maize, NK603 sprayed with Roundup, and Roundup on its own, all produced very similar negative health outcomes, is that both the GM maize and the weedkiller Roundup “may cause hormonal disturbances in the same biochemical and physiological pathway.”

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup is a known endocrine disruptor, and previous research has shown that it can cause liver and kidney failure if consumed above maximum permitted residue levels. However, this is the first research that suggests that even very low levels, such as those found in drinking water, are harmful when consumed over an extended period.

The paper says: “The results of the study presented here clearly demonstrate that lower levels of complete agricultural glyphosate herbicide formulations, at concentrations well below officially set safety limits, induce severe hormone-dependent mammary, hepatic [liver] and kidney disturbances.”

It suggests that overexpression of the GM “transgene” EPSPS, which makes NK603 tolerant to Roundup in the field, may disrupt biosynthetic pathways and cause similar problems. Most edible GM crops use EPSPS to make them tolerant to Roundup.

Prof Seralini’s co-authors are Emilie Clair, Robin Mesnage, Steeve Gress, Nicolas Defarge, Manuela Malatesta, Didier Hennequin, and Joel Spiroux de Vendomois.

Copies of the research can be obtained on request from CRIIGEN www.criigen.org
and from Food and Chemical Toxicology www.journals.elsevier.com/food-and-chemical-toxicology

For more information, interviews, film footage and pictures of the rats, please contact:
David Mason, Greenhouse PR – Press Liaison – 07799 072320 –  david@greenhousepr.co.uk This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Anna Guyer, Greenhouse PR – Press Liaison – 07976 556164 –  anna@greenhousepr.co.uk This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Francesca Price, Greenhouse PR – Press Liaison
- 07766 838761 –  francesca@greenhousepr.co.uk This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Aine Morris, Sustainable Food Trust – Head of Communications- 07940 267516     aine@sustainablefoodtrust.org This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Available for interview:
Patrick Holden – Founder, Sustainable Food Trust – 07774 846858
Dr Michael Antoniou – Molecular geneticist and GM Expert and member of the CRIIGEN Scientific Council, Kings College, London
Requests to interview Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini should be directed to Laurent Payet –
Laurent@lp-conseils.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it +33 6 89 95 48 87
Further resources are available on the SFT website including: pictures; a graphic showing premature death among female rats; and a backgrounder on the GM debate. research.sustainablefoodtrust.org

Notes to Editors:
CRIIGEN – Committee of Research and Independent Information on Genetic Engineering
The Committee of Research and Independent Information on Genetic Engineering (CRIIGEN) is a non-profit organization set up by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini, Professor of Molecular Biology at Caen University, and former French ecology minister Corinne Lepage MEP, to offer scientific expertise on pollutants to health and environment. It is particularly focused on GMOs and their impact on agriculture, food, medicine and human health. Professor Seralini was in charge of risk assessment for two government commissions and has advised the European Commission, Parliament and Councils and a number of governments on the use of GMOs commercially.

Since its establishment, CRIIGEN has campaigned for more transparency in the genetic engineering trials carried out by commercial organisations, the biotech companies. It also lobbies the governments to improve the quality of risk assessment for GMO’s.

Previous research by CRIIGEN has included reanalysing existing studies into GM crops. One of these in 2007 concluded that the GM crop, MON 863, adversely affected liver and kidney function in rats. A further reanalysis of three more industry studies in 2009, reaffirmed CRIIGEN’s results regarding the crop’s toxicity. In 2011 CRIIGEN published a review of 19 published reports on animal GM feeding studies, which found that kidney and liver problems can arise even in 90-day trials. This has become a seminal work and the most consulted report on the topic, downloaded by more than 60,000 scientists from the SpringerOpen databank.

Professor Gilles Eric Séralini – Professor of Molecular Biology and President of the Scientific Board at Committee of Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering (CRII-GEN)

Gilles Eric Seralini is Professor of Molecular Biology and co-director of the Risk Quality and Sustainable Environment Unit at Caen University, France, and an expert on pesticides, pollutants and the effects of GMOs on health. As a result of his research work into cancer and the disruptors of reproduction, he started to investigate possible pollutants in air, water and food.

He established CRIIGEN – Committee of Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering – with Corinne LePage, in order to conduct more thorough scientific research into GMOs. He is now the President of the Scientific Board.
Professor Seralini was in charge of risk assessment for two French governmental commissions to evaluate GM food and in 2003 he was appointed as an expert for the European Commission to prepare the defence case for the moratorium on commercial GMOs against the US/Canada and Argentina.

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