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<'직업 및 환경 의학(Occupational and Environmental Medicine)>에 1964년부터 35년간
덴마크 여성 1만8천500명에 대한 유방암 추적 연구결과가 발표되었습니다.

야근을 하지 않은 일반 근무자에 비해 새벽형 여성의 유방암 발병률은 4배나 높았습니다.
연구팀은 장기간 반복된 야간 근무로 생체리듬이 깨지면서 수면을 촉진하는 멜라토닌
분비에 영향을 미쳐 암 발병으로 이어지는 것으로 추정했습니다.

Occup Environ Med 2012;69:417-421 doi:10.1136/oemed-2011-100313

Cardiovascular disease mortality among British asbestos workers (1971–2005)

http://oem.bmj.com/content/69/6/417.full.pdf+html (PDF 파일)

  1. John Osman2

+ Author Affiliations

  1. 1Mathematical Sciences Unit, Health and Safety Laboratory, Buxton, Derbyshire, UK

  2. 2Health and Safety Executive, Bootle, Merseyside, UK

  1. Correspondence to Dr Anne-Helen Harding, Mathematical Sciences Unit, Health and Safety Laboratory, Harpur Hill, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9JN, UK; anne-helen.harding@hsl.gov.uk

  1. Contributors A-HH undertook the data analysis; A-HH, AD and JO jointly drafted the manuscript.

  • Accepted 6 February 2012
  • Published Online First 2 April 2012


Objectives Asbestos is an inflammatory agent, and there is evidence that inflammatory processes are involved in the development of cardiovascular disease. Whether asbestos is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease has not been established. The objective of this study was to investigate cardiovascular disease mortality in a large cohort of workers occupationally exposed to asbestos.

Methods Cardiovascular disease mortality in a cohort of 98 912 asbestos workers, with median follow-up of 19 years, was analysed. Unadjusted and smoking-adjusted standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated. The association between indicators of asbestos exposure and mortality was analysed with Poisson regression models, for deaths occurring during the period 1971–2005.

Results Altogether 15 557 deaths from all causes, 1053 deaths from cerebrovascular disease and 4185 deaths from ischaemic heart disease (IHD) occurred during follow-up. There was statistically significant excess mortality from cerebrovascular disease (SMR: men 1.63, women 2.04) and IHD (SMR: men 1.39, women 1.89). Job and birth cohort were associated with the risk of cerebrovascular and IHD mortality in the Poisson regression model including sex, age, smoking status, job, cohort and duration of exposure. For IHD only, duration of exposure was also statistically significant in this model.

Conclusions Cerebrovascular and IHD mortality was significantly higher among these asbestos workers than in the general population and within the cohort mortality was associated with indicators of asbestos exposure. These findings provide some evidence that occupational exposure to asbestos was associated with cardiovascular disease mortality in this group of workers.


Night shift linked to breast cancer rates

출처 : UPI May 29, 2012 at 1:11 AM

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, May 29 (UPI) — Working night shifts more than twice a week is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, researchers in Denmark found.

The study, published online in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, found the increased breast cancer risk seemed to be cumulative and strongest among those who describe themselves as “morning” people or “larks,” rather than “evening” people or “nightowls.”

Dr. Johnni Hansen, Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society in Copenhagen, Denmark, said the study involved more than 18,500 women working for the Danish Army from 1964 to1999, all of whom had been born between 1929 and 1968.

Hansen and colleagues were able to contact 210 women out of a total of 218 who had had breast cancer between 1990 and 2003, and were still alive in 2005/2006.

These women were then matched with 899 women without breast cancer, Hansen said.

In all, 141 of those with breast cancer, and 551 of those free of the disease, completed a detailed 28-page questionnaire.

The results, based on 692 responses –141 from women with breast cancer — showed that, overall, night shift work was associated with a 40 percent increased risk of breast cancer, compared with no night shifts.

The findings were published online in Occupational and Environmental Medicine.


Night Shift Might Boost Women’s Breast Cancer Risk: Study

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