
[GMO] EU, 유전자조작작물(GMO) 단일 규제 포기, 각 회원국 자율에 맡겨


GMO_legal_advice_2010.pdf (771.24 KB)

EU가 유전자조작작물(GMO)에 대해 포괄적으로 행사해오던 단일한 규제를 포기하고 각 회원국들의 자율에 맡기기로 한 새로운 규제안을 7월 13일 발표할 예정이라고 합니다.

지구의 벗들(Friends of the Earth)은 이러한 GMO 규제완화가 ”유럽의 농경지에 유전자조작(GM) 작물을 개방하게 될 것”이라며 강하게 반발하고 있습니다.


New plans could open Europe’s fields to GM crops

by di-ve.com – editorial@di-ve.com

출처 : di-ve Current Affairs — 09 July 2010 — 09:25CEST



Friends of the Earth say Brussels proposals on GM crops ‘empty and dangerous’ deal

By Matthew Vella

출처 : Malta Today  Jul 09 01:34am

Friends of the Earth claim EU members are not being given powrs to ban GM crops on health grounds

Friends of the Earth (Malta) say new plans by European Commission could “open Europe’s fields to GM crops”

New proposals due to be introduced in the coming days that are supposed to allow European countries more autonomy over the decision to ban genetically modified (GM) crops form “an empty and potentially dangerous deal” for member states, according to Friends of the Earth Malta.

FoE said a new legal analysis of the proposals had concluded they were deeply flawed, legally and politically. “Member states are being offered no additional powers to ban GM crops on health, environment and contamination impacts, despite these being the most serious and legally reliable grounds. Instead, only additional ethical grounds are offered, which are legally intangible, subjective and easily overturned in court.”

The group said that in exchange for this empty offer to decide about the cultivation of GM crops on their territories, the Commission is asking member states to relax opposition to future GMO applications for cultivation fast tracking GMO approvals.

“FoE Malta believes that this is an empty deal that could open up Europe’s fields to unwanted and risky GM crops. Any country wanting to ban GM crops under these proposals will open themselves up to legal challenges from the biotech corporations who want to force GM crops into Europe.

“Additionally, while the Commission proposals address the banning of GM crops by national governments, there is nothing to protect conventional and organic farmers, and consumers, in countries that decide to allow GM crops to be grown. The Commission’s own impact assessment concluded that the proposals would lead to a ‘negative impact for non-GM farmers’.”

Friends of the Earth Malta is calling on Malta’s MEPs and government to reject the Commission proposals, which are being led by Maltese European Commissioner John Dalli.

“The European public, environment and food and farming sector will only be protected if the GM framework includes strong Europe-wide measures to prevent food and feed from being contaminated, and the member states’ demands to improve the safety assessments for GM crops are fully implemented. It will be vital that these measures ensure that the biotech industry is liable for damages caused by any cross-contamination as a result of GM cultivation.”

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