
[광우병] 중국, 캐나다산 30개월 미만 뼈없는 살코기 수입개방

캐나다에서 개최된 G20 회담 기간 중 후진타오 중국 총리와 하퍼 캐나다 총리는 캐나다산 30개월 미만( (UTM)) 뼈없는 살코기(Boneless Beef )의 중국시장 개방을 합의했습니다. 캐나다측에서는 30개월 이상 뼈 있는 쇠고기까지 완전개방을 위한 1단계 개방이라며, 30개월 미만 뼈 없는 쇠고기 개방만으로 5천8백만 달러의 경제적 가치가 있을 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 또한 중국 시장이 완전 개방되었을 경우 1억1천1백만 달러의 경제적 가치가 있을 것으로 추정하고 있습니다.

로이터통신은 캐나다 농림부 관료 등의 입을 빌려 중국의 캐나다산 쇠고기 수입개방 방침이 한국에게 압력이 될 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.  한국과 캐나다는 이번 달 중순경 캐나다산 쇠고기 수입위생조건 결정을 위한 양자협의를 개최할 예정입니다. 캐나다의 입장에서는 한국은 3번째로 큰 쇠고기 수출시장입니다.

현재 캐나다는 광우병 위험을 이유로 캐나다산 쇠고기 수입중단 조치를 취하고 있는 한국정부를 WTO에 제소하여 패널 판정 절차가 진행 중입니다.

그러나 한국 정부의 입장에서는 한국보다 먼저 캐나다와 쇠고기 수입위생조건 협상을 끝낸 중국보다 개방의 폭이 넓을 경우 지난 2008년 촛불시위와 같은 대규모 시민불복종 운동이 일어날 것을 우려할 수 밖에 없는 상황입니다.

현재 일본은 20개월 미만의 캐나다산 쇠고기의 수입을 허용하고 있으며, 호주의 경우는 광우병 발생국가인 캐나다산, 미국산 등의 쇠고기 수입을 전면 금지하고 있습니다.

Backgrounder: Canada and China Broaden Strategic Partnership
출처 : Canada News Centr 24 June 2010
Ottawa, Ontario

A Cooperative Arrangement on a Staged Approach for Full Market Access for Canadian Beef and Beef Products Beginning with Boneless Beef (Under Thirty Months) and Beef Tallow for Industrial Use

On June 24, 2010, China announced that it has granted access to Canadian beef and beef products using a staged approach. The first step in this process is access for boneless beef derived from animals under thirty months of age (UTM) and tallow for industrial use. Canada is the first Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy-affected country to re-gain market access for beef to China. The Chinese market was closed in 2003 following Canada’s first case of BSE. According to estimates by the Canada Beef Export Federation (CBEF), the Chinese market for Canadian beef and tallow is expected to be worth $110 million once full market access is achieved.

Approved Destination Status
Approved Destination Status (ADS) allows marketing activities in China to promote a particular country as a tourist destination, and allows for the organisation of group travel to that country from China. On June 24, 2010, Prime Minister Harper and Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China, witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to Facilitate Outbound Tourist Group Travel from China to Canada. According to a survey by the Conference Board of Canada, ADS is expected to boost the yearly rate of travel to Canada from China significantly within the coming years. China is one of the fastest growing outbound tourism markets in the world.

Memorandum of Understanding to Establish a Working Group on Environmental Protection and Energy Conservation
Canada and China have agreed to establish a bilateral working group on commercial cooperation to advance their shared interests in making clean technology or “cleantech” a focal point for increased bilateral cooperation and trade. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) enhances government-to-government and business-to-business cooperation and will provide a forum to exchange information and to facilitate market entry for Canadian small- and medium-sized cleantech enterprises. The potential for increased trade, investment and research partnerships in cleantech between China and Canada is substantial.

MOU on Cooperation on Combating Crime
The Canada-China MOU on Cooperation on Combating Crime aims to facilitate cooperation between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Chinese Ministry of Public Security (MPS). Signing the MOU was an objective set out in the December 2009 Canada-China Joint Statement, in order to provide a strengthened foundation for ongoing cooperation between the RCMP and MPS. The current MOU builds on cooperation between Canada.


Canada-China beef deal seen pressuring South Korea
Rod Nickel and Louise Egan, Reuters : Friday, June 25, 2010

Share WINNIPEG – China’s partial reopening of trade access for Canadian beef will add pressure on South Korea to ease its import restrictions, Canada’s trade minister and industry officials said on Friday.

The deal with China leaves South Korea as the only country to maintain its ban Canadian beef after an outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy disease in 2003. It is expected to push Seoul toward resolving a dispute with Canada that’s currently before the World Trade Organization.

China agreed on Thursday to accept Canadian boneless beef from cattle under 30 months of age and beef tallow, as a first step to full market access.

Japan also maintains restrictions but accepts Canadian beef from cattle under 21 months.

“If you look around and you see that everybody around you accepts the science and you aren’t, you’re looking increasingly isolated and it’s hard for it to be taken seriously as a health or sanitary action,” said Canada’s International Trade Minister Peter Van Loan in an interview with Reuters. “It begins to be seen as a transparent trade barrier action.”

South Korea and Canada, the world’s third-largest beef exporter, are preparing written answers to questions from a WTO panel. The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association said earlier this week Korea is signaling it would be open to a negotiated settlement instead.

“Every time we get one of these markets open, it adds to the momentum and China was particularly important on that front,” said John Masswohl, director of government and international relations for the Cattlemen’s Association. “Now Korea stands alone.”

Canada is the first country affected by BSE to regain access to China, giving it a competitive advantage over the United States.

Van Loan said he did not expect any breakthrough with Japan on Canadian beef imports over the weekend, saying the G20 meetings in Toronto were not the forum for resolving bilateral trade disputes.

Canada’s initial access to China is worth an estimated C$60 million ($58 million), with tallow used in industrial frying the most valuable part. With full beef access, China’s imports could be worth C$110 million ($106 million), beef officials said.

Those sales will help narrow the spread between Canadian and U.S. beef prices and give Canadian exporters a head start in establishing trade relationships, Masswohl said.

Canada and China have not set a timetable for fully opening Chinese market access, he said.

China’s growth gives Canadian beef exporters “an incredible opportunity,” the Canadian Meat Council said in a statement.

When China was last open to Canadian beef, in 2002, it imported only C$7.1 million worth of product, according to Canada Beef Export Federation data.

“The fact that China was small before BSE still doesn’t mean this isn’t a big deal. It is a big deal,” said Kevin Grier, senior market analyst at the George Morris Centre. “Look what they’ve done in (importing) pork over the last few years. It’s become a major market.”

China had offered before to resume trade in Canadian under-30-month beef, but Canada refused without a commitment to move to full access, Masswohl said.

Chinese officials will inspect Canadian beef plants this weekend and the first Canadian beef exports in 7 years could move to China later this summer, Masswohl said.

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