
[젠더와건강]북리딩-젠더, 건강, 여성 제4장 요약번역문


젠더와건강세미나0305.hwp (32.00 KB)

텍스트 4장에 대한 요약 번역문입니다.

Jerry Speigel and Cynthia Lee Andruske,
4장. “Globalization, Health, and the Engendering of Resistance in Everyday Life”,
4장 1) Marcia C. Inhorn, “Gender, Health, and Globalization in the Middle East: Male Infertality, ICSO, and Men’s Resistance”
4장 2) Gillian Lewando-Hundt, “Globalizing, Gendered Resistance: Moving beyond the individual”
Ilona Kickbusch, Kari A. Hartwig and Justin M. List eds(2005), Globalization, Women, and Health in the Twenty-First Century, Palgrave.

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