
[광우병] 미 시민단체, 30개월 이상 캐나다 쇠고기 광우병 위험 의견 법원 제출

미국 소비자 단체 및 보건운동 단체가 4800쪽에 이르는 30개월 이상 캐나다산 쇠고기 수입재개에 따른 광우병 위험에 대한 코멘트를 연방법원에 제출했다는 소식입니다.

현재 미국 시민단체들은 미 농무부를 상대로 미국의 광우병 전염 위험을 우려하여 30개월 이상 캐나다산 쇠고기의 수입중단을 요청하는 소송을 진행 중입니다.


US gets 4,800 pages of comments on Canadian cattle

출처 : AP통신 Monday July 27, 2009, 10:35 am EDT

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Thousands of pages of public comments have been submitted on a rule intended to protect against the threat of mad cow disease.

A federal judge in Sioux Falls one year ago refused to stop some Canadian beef imports but agreed with cattle, consumer and health interests that the U.S. Agriculture Department should revisit the issue.

The groups wanted the judge to suspend a rule that went into effect in November 2007 allowing Canadian cattle more than 30 months old into the United States.

According to a status report filed in court, lawyers for the government said that more than 4,800 pages of comments on the rule have been received and are being evaluated.

The feedback is in response to a Sept. 18 request for comments in the Federal Register.

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