
인권으로서 Sexual Rights


SexualRights.pdf (232.26 KB)

재생산권(Reproductive Rights)와 관련되지만 차별화되는 권리 개념인 “Sexual Rights”(이를 무슨 단어로 번역해야 할까요?…)에 대한 가이드라인.
Sexual Rights는 ‘자신의 섹슈얼리티를 표현하고 성 건강(Sexual Health)을 향유할 권리’를 통칭.
제1세계의 자유주의적 권리로 비판받을 여지가 있는 재생산권 논의를 확장하기 위한 하나의 시도라고 보여지네요.

Sexual rights as human rights: a guide to authoritative sources and principles for applying human rights to sexuality and sexual health

Alice M. Miller, Eszter Kismödi, Jane Cottingham, Sofia Gruskind

Abstract: This Guide seeks to provide insight and resources to actors interested in the development of rights claims around sexuality and sexual health. After engaging with the vexed question of the scope of sexual rights, it explores the rules and principles governing the way in which human rights claims are developed and applied to sexuality and sexual health, and how that development is linked to law and made a matter of state obligation. This understanding is critical to policy and programming in sexual health and rights, as it supports calling on the relevant range of human rights, such as privacy, non-discrimination, health or other universally accepted human rights, as well as demanding the action of states under their international and national law obligations to support sexual health.

Reproductive Health Matters 2015;23(46):16–30

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