
공중보건 윤리와 실천에 있어 ‘사회연대’ : 개념, 적용, 함의


2015_Ethics_Solidarity_En.pdf (721.47 KB)

캐나다 퀘벡의 ‘National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy’에서 펴낸 보고서

공중보건 정책과 프로그램 실행에 있어 점점 더 ‘사회연대’의 원칙과 가치의 중요성이 커지고 있음.

이에 공중보건 정책과 프로그램 실행에 있어 ‘사회연대’의 원칙이 왜 유용하고 어떻게 적용될 수 있는지에 대해 서술

Solidarity in Public Health Ethics and Practice: Its Conceptions, Uses and Implications
This document outlines the principle of solidarity as it may be applied in the ethics of public health.
Published in July 2015.
Increasingly, the concept of solidarity is being brought into discussion as one of the principles and values that should guide the ethical practices of public health actors. Although solidarity is often included among the principles discussed in public health ethics frameworks, it is rarer to find answers to the questions “why is the principle of solidarity relevant?” and “how should it be used?” We hope that this paper will help to answer these questions.

The paper is structured as follows:
• Section 1 – What is solidarity?
• Section 2 – How has the principle of solidarity been used in public health ethics and practice?
• Section 3 – Dimensions of solidarity
• Section 4 – Practical use: Case study and questions

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