
합성 생물학과 신기술의 윤리


PCSBI-Synthetic-Biology-Report.pdf (3.96 MB)

2010년 크레이그 벤터 연구소의 인공 합성 게놈을 이용한 ‘인공 세포’ 개발에 따른 논란이 일자, 미국 백악관에서 위원회를 구성하여 이에 대한 논의를 모아 보고서를 발간

President Barack Obama asked the Commission to review the developing field of synthetic biology and identify appropriate ethical boundaries to maximize public benefits and minimize risks. The Commission approached this task through inclusive and deliberative engagement with a wide variety of sources, including scientists, engineers, faith-based and secular ethicists, and others who voiced, as expected, sometimes conflicting views on the science, ethics, and social issues surrounding synthetic biology. Through public meetings in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and Atlanta, the Commission created a forum for open dialogue to hear and assess competing claims about the science, ethics, and public policy relating to synthetic biology.

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