
캐나다의 건강의사회적결정요인 개입 현황 2015


Rio-Canada.pdf (559.88 KB)

건강의 사회적 결정요인에 대한 개입을 촉구한 리우 선언(2013) 이후 캐나다 정부가 이를 시행하기 위한 노력을 간략하게 브리핑한 자료

The 29 initiatives profiled here demonstrate actions to advance health equity and fall under the following groupings:

To adopt better governance for health and development:
- Experiences in applying health impact assessment
- Work across sectors to reduce poverty, improve social protection, advance key determinants, such as housing

To promote participation in policy-making and implementation:
- Reforming government processes to increase openness of data, transparency and participation, and engaging citizens
- Providing approaches to engage and empower Aboriginal peoples for self-governance

To further reorient the health sector towards reducing health inequities:
- Integrate equity, including gender-related considerations, into the design and delivery of programs and services
- Provide capacity and tools to advance health equity

To strengthen global governance and collaboration:
- Provide financial contribution to countries and international organizations
- Foster North-South support in information sharing and technical expertise

To monitor progress and increase accountability:
- Strengthen monitoring systems and methods to report on health inequalities
- Share evidence to inform policy and action


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