
[줄기세포] 동결된 피부로 돼지복제 성공… 경상대 수의과대 노규진 교수팀 두마리 생산

논문이나 특허보다 먼저 나온 언론 홍보 ==> “연구팀은 이 기술에 대해 특허를
출원하고 논문을 발표할 예정이다.”


동결된 피부로 돼지복제 성공… 경상대 수의과대 노규진 교수팀 두마리 생산

국민일보 입력:2013.03.21 21:05

“장기간 동결(凍結) 보관된 조직에서 줄기세포를 구축하는 기술은 향후 사람의 줄기세포 치료에 적용될 수 있는 좋은 밑거름이 될 것으로 확신합니다.”

경상대 수의과대 노규진(왼쪽 사진) 교수가 이끄는 연구팀은 장기간 조직 상태로 동결 보존한 돼지피부에서 줄기세포를 분리해 미세조작기법으로 복제돼지를 생산하는 데 성공했다고 21일 밝혔다.

이번 연구 성과로 노 교수팀은 동물 유전자원 보관과 멸종위기종 복구, 특정 형질의 개량, 재생의학 발전에 큰 발판을 마련한 것으로 평가되고 있다. 특히 이번 연구는 장기간 동결 보존된 조직에서도 핵이식 때 난자에서 핵의 재구성이 가능한 줄기세포주가 분리될 수 있다는 사실을 입증했다.

노 교수는 “일반적으로 동물 복제에 사용되는 공여(Donor)세포는 신선한 체세포나 줄기세포를 이용한다”며 “그러나 세포가 죽기 전 줄기세포를 추출해야 해 시간적 여유가 없다는 것이 난관이었다”고 말했다.

노 교수팀은 복제동물 생산의 효율을 높이기 위해 2006년 4월 돼지의 귀 조직을 동결 보존한 뒤 최적의 성체유래 줄기세포 분리 및 배양 시스템을 구축했다. 이어 2012년 10월 이 돼지 조직을 꺼내 줄기세포 배양에 성공, 분리된 줄기세포로 복제수정란을 생산했다. 이 복제수정란을 암컷 자궁에 이식해 지난 10일 건강한 수컷돼지 두 마리를 생산했다.

여성 암환자경우 항암치료의 악영향으로 난소가 파괴돼 불임 가능성이 크다. 따라서 정상 상태의 난소를 추출, 동결 보존한 뒤 항암치료 이후 보존된 난소에서 줄기세포를 분리해 활용하면 불임 등의 문제를 해결할 수 있다는 것이다.

진주=이영재 기자 yj3119@kmib.co.kr





  • 성 명 : 노규진 (Rho, Gyu-Jin)
  • 직 급 : 교수
  • 연구실 : 수의산과학
  • 전 화 : 055-751-5824
  • E-mail : jinrho@gnu.ac.kr
  • 담당과목 : 의산과학, 임상번식학


  • 경상대학교 수의과대학 (수의학 학사)
  • 경상대학교 대학원 수의학과 수의산과학 전공 (수의학 석사)
  • 경상대학교 대학원 수의학과 수의산과학 전공 (수의학 박사)


  • 바이오장기 사업단단장
  • 경상대학교 수의과대학 부학장
  • 경상대학교 수의과대학 동물병원장
  • Univ. of Guelph Adjunct professor, Canada
  • Univ. of Guelph 교환교수, Canada
  • Univ. of Guelph Visiting Scientist, Canada
  • Univ. of Guelph Postdoctoral Fellow, Canada



  1. Song HJ, Kang EJ, Kim MJ, Ock SA, Jeon BG, Lee SL, Rho GJ. (2010) Influence of Parthenogenetic Activation on Nuclear Maturation of Canine Oocytes. J Vet Med Sci. 2010 Mar 10. [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Ryu YM, Hah YS, Park BW, Kim DR, Roh GS, Kim JR, Kim UK, Rho GJ, Maeng GH, Byun JH. (2010) Osteogenic differentiation of human periosteal-derived cells in a three-dimensional collagen scaffold. Mol Biol Rep. Jan 28. [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Lee SL, Kang EJ, Maeng GH, Kim MJ, Park JK, Kim TS, Hyun SH, Lee ES, Rho GJ. (2010) Developmental Ability of Miniature Pig Embryos Cloned with Mesenchymal Stem Cells. J Reprod Dev. Jan 27. [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Hong J, Bae S, Kang Y, Yoon D, Bai X, Chan ED, Azam T, Dinarello CA, Lee S, Her E, Rho G, Kim S. (2010) Suppressing IL-32 in monocytes impairs the induction of the proinflammatory cytokines TNFalpha and IL-1beta. Cytokine. 2010 Feb;49(2):171-6. Epub 2009 Oct 31.
  5. Kang EJ, Byun JH, Choi YJ, Maeng GH, Lee SL, Kang DH, Lee JS, Rho GJ, Park BW. (2009) In vitro and in vivo osteogenesis of porcine skin-derived mesenchymal stem cell-like cells with a demineralized bone and fibrin glue scaffold. Tissue Eng Part A. Sep 24. [Epub ahead of print]
  6. Cha JY, Jung MH, Ermawati N, Su’udi M, Rho GJ, Han CD, Lee KH, Son D. (2009) Functional characterization of orchardgrass endoplasmic reticulum-resident Hsp90 (DgHsp90) as a chaperone and an ATPase. Plant Physiol Biochem. ;47(10):859-866.
  7. Ryu JM, Kim DH, Lee MY, Lee SH, Park JH, Yun SP, Jang MW, Kim SH, Rho GJ, Han HJ. (2009) Imaging evaluation of the liver using multi-detector row computed tomography in micropigs as potential living liver donors. J Vet Sci. ;10(2):93-98.
  8. Gyu Jin Rho, B. Mohana Kumar, S. Balasubramanian. (2009) Porcine mesenchymal stem cells – Current technological status and future perspective. Frontiers in Bioscience 14, 3942-3961 (Review article)
  9. Yeon-Ji Jeong, Mi-Kyeong Kim, Hye-Jin Song, Eun-Ju Kang, Sun-A Ock, B. Mohana kumar, S. Balasubramanian and Gyu-Jin Rho (2008) Effect of α-tocopherol Supplementation During Boar Semen Cryopreservation on Sperm Characteristics and Expression of Apoptosis Related Genes. Cryobiology 58(2):181-189.
  10. Sun-A Ock and Gyu-Jin Rho (2008) Parthenogenetic development and ploidy following various chemical activation regiments of bovine oocytes. J Vet Med Sci 70(11):1165-1172.
  11. Jeon BG, Coppola G, Perrault SD, Rho GJ, Betts DH, King WA. (2008) S-adenosylhomocysteine treatment of adult female fibroblasts alters X-chromosome inactivation and improves in vitro embryo development after somatic cell nuclear transfer. Reproduction 135(6):815-828.
  12. B. Mohana Kumar, Jae-Gyu Yoo, Sun-A Ock, Jung-Gon Kim, Hye-Jin Song, Eun-Ju Kang, Seong-Keun Cho, Sung-Lim Lee, Jae-Hyeon Cho, S. Balasubramanian and Gyu-Jin Rho. (2007) In Vitro Differentiation of Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells Derived from Porcine Umbilical Cord Blood. Mol Cell 24(3): 343-50
  13. Balasubramanian S, WJ Son, Mohanakumar B, SA Ock, GS Im, SY Choe and Gyu-Jin Rho. (2007). Expression pattern of oxygen and stress responsive gene transcripts at different developmental stages of in vitro and in vivo preimplantation bovine embryos. Theriogenology 68(2):265-275.
  14. B. Mohana Kumar, JG Kim, HJ Song, SA Ock, S. Balasubramanian, SY Choe, Gyu-Jin Rho. (2007). Effect of histone acetylation modification with sodium butyrate, a histone deacetylase inhibitor on cell cycle, apoptosis, ploidy and gene expression in porcine fetal fibroblasts. J Reprod Dev 53(4): 903-13
  15. GJ Rho, Balasubramanian S, DS Kim, WJ Son, SR Cho, JG Kim, Mohana kumar B, SY Choe. (2007). Influence of in vitro oxygen concentrations on preimplantation embryo development, gene expression and production of Hanwoo calves following embryo transfer. Mol. Reprod. Dev 74(4):486-496
  16. S. Balasubramanian, GJ Rho. (2007). Effect of cysteamine supplementation of in vitro matured bovine oocytes on chilling sensitivity and development of embryos. Anim Reprod Sci 100(1-2):128-40
  17. YS Lee, SA Ock, SK Cho, S.Balasubramanian, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2007). Effect of donor cell types and passages on preimplantation development and apoptosis in porcine cloned embryos. AJAS 20(5):711-717.
  18. JG Yoo, GJ Rho. (2007). Effect of oocyte activation regimens on ploidy of nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed with fetal fibroblasts in rabbit. AJAS. 20(5):718-724.
  19. B. Mohana kumar, HF Jin, JG Kim, SA Ock, YG Hong, S. Balasubramanian, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2007). Differential gene expression patterns in porcine nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed with fetal fibroblasts and mesenchymal stem cells. Developmental Dynamics 236:435-446.
  20. GJ Rho, G Coppola, J Sosnowski, R Kasimanickam, WH Johnson, E Semple, GF Mastromonaco, DH Betts, TG Koch, S Weese, J Hewson, MA Hayes, DG Kenny, PK Basrur, WA King. (2007). Use of somatic cell nuclear transfer to study meiosis in female cattle carrying a sex-dependent fertility-impairing x-chromosome abnormality. Cloning Stem Cells. 9(1):118-129.
  21. HF Jin, B. Mohana kumar, JG Kim, HJ Song, YJ Jeong, SK Cho, S. Balasubramanian, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2007). Enhanced development of porcine embryos cloned from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Int J Dev Biol. 51:85-90.
  22. SL Lee, B. Mohana kumar, JG Kim, SA Ock, BG Jeon, S. Balasubramanian, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2007). Cellular composition and viability of cloned bovine embryos using exogene transfected somatic cells. Reprod Domest Anim 42, 44?52
  23. Shi LY, HF Jin, JG Kim, B Mohana kumar, S Balasubramanian, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2007). Ultrastructural changes and developmental potential of porcine oocytes vitrified by ultra-rapid cooling method. Anim Reprod Sci 100 128?140
  24. SA Ock, SL Lim, JG Kim, B Mohana kumar, S Balasubramanian, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2007). Development and quality of porcine embryos in different culture system and embryo producing methods. Zygote 15:1-8.
  25. JY Han, YS Kim, GJ Cho, GS Roh, HJ Kim, WJ Choi, WY Paik, GJ Rho, SS Kang, WS Choi. (2006). Altered Gene Expression of Caspase-10, Death Receptor-3 and IGFBP-3 in Preeclamptic Placentas. Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 168-174
  26. S Balasubramanian, GJ Rho. (2006). Effect on development of chilling in vitro produced bovine embryos at various cleavage stages. J Assit Reprod Genetics 23:55-61.
  27. B. Mohana kumar, HF Jin, JG Kim, HJ Song, YG Hong, S. Balasubramanian, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2006). DNA methylation levels in porcine fetal fibroblasts induced by demethylating agent, 5-azacttidine. Cell and Tissue Research 325:445-454.
  28. CY Choe, Cho SR, Son DS, Kim YK, S Balasubramanian, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2006). Influence of seasons, extenders, slow and rapid freezing on seminal characters in Korean native bucks. Reprod Dom Anim 41:55-60.
  29. SA Ock, DO Kwack, SL Lee, SR Cho, BG Jeon, B Mohana kumar, SY Choe, GJ Rho, (2006). In vitro development of bovine oocytes reconstructed with round spermatids. Theriogenology 65:1242-1253.
  30. JS Bhak, SL Lee, SA Ock, M kumar B, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2006). Development rate and ploidy of embryos produced by nuclear transfer with different activation treatments in cattle. Anim Reprod Sci 60:1-13.
  31. Alexnder B, G Coppola, D Di Berardino, GJ Rho, E St John, DH Betts, WA King. (2006). The effect of 6-DMAP and CHX on the development and chromosomal complement of sheep parthenogenetic and nuclear transfer embryos. Mol Reprod Dev 73:20-30.
  32. Ock SA, Lee SL, Jeon BG, Cho SR, Mohana kumar B, YS Choi, Choe SY, GJ Rho. (2006). Isolation and viability of presumptive round spermatids collected from bull testis by percoll density gradient. Anim Reprod Sci. 144?156 60:1-13.
  33. SL Lee, SA Ock, KG Yoo, B Mohana kumar, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2005). Efficiency of gene transfection into donor cells for nuclear transfer of bovine embryos. Mol Reprod Dev 72:191-200.
  34. SR Cho, SA Ock, JG Yoo, Mohana kumar B, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2005). Effects of confluent, roscovitine treatment and serum starvation on the cell cycle synchronixation of bovine fetal fibroblasts. Reprod Dom Anim. 40:171-176.
  35. YS Kim, SL Lee, SA Ock, Balasubramanian S, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2005). Development of cloned pig embryos by nuclear transfer following different activation treatments. Mol Reprod Dev. 70(3):308-313
  36. GJ Rho, SL Lee, YS Kim, HJ Yeo, SA Ock, S. Balasubramanian, SY Choe. (2004). Intracytoplasmic sperm injection of frozen-thawed bovine oocytes and subsequent embryo development. Mol Reprod Dev. 68:449-455.
  37. GF Mastromonaco, E Semple, C Robert, GJ Rho, DH Betts, WA King. (2004). Different culture media requirements of IVF and nuclear transfer bovine embryos. Reprod Dom Anim. 39:462-467.
  38. JG Yoo, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2003). Efficient production of cloned bovine embryos using cdc2 kinase inhibitor. Reprod Dom Anim. 38(6):444-50.
  39. SA Ock, JS Bhak, Balasubramanian S, HJ Lee, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2003). Different activation treatments for successful development of bovine oocytes following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Zygote 11:69-76.
  40. GJ Rho, S Kim, JG Yoo, S Balasubramanian, HJ Lee, SY Choe. (2002). Microtubulin configuration and mitochondrial distribution after ultra-rapid cooling of bovine oocytes. Cryopreservation of bovine oocytes using a rapid freezing methods. Mol Reprod Dev 63:464-470.
  41. SR Cho, SK Cho, SL Lee, HJ Lee, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2002). Enhanced cryosurvival of bovine blastocysts produced in vitro in serum free medium. J Assisted Reprod and Genetics 19(10):487-492.
  42. GJ Rho, AC Hahnel, KJ Betteridge. (2001). Comparisons of oocyte maturation times and of three methods of sperm preparation for their effects on the production of goat embryos in vitro. Theriogenology 56:503-516.
  43. GJ Rho, TY Kang, HSP Kochhar, AC Hahnel, KJ Betteridge. (2001). Effects of blastomere sex and fluorescent labeling on the development of bovine chimeric embryos reconstituted at the four-cell stage. Mol Reprod Dev 60:202-207.
  44. BG Jeon, JS Moon, KC Kim, HJ Lee, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2001). Follicular fluid enhances sperm attraction and its motility in human. J Assisted Reprod and Genetics 18(8):407-412.
  45. GJ Rho, WH Johnson, KJ Betteridge. (1998). Cellular composition and viability of demi- and quarter-embryos made from bisected bovine morulae and blastocysts produced in vitro. Theriogenology 50:885-895.
  46. GJ Rho, B Wu, S Kawarsky, SP Leibo, KJ Betteridge. (1998). Activation regimens to prepare bovine oocytes for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Mol Reprod Dev 50:485-492.
  47. GJ Rho, S Kawarsky, WH Johnson, K Kocchar, KJ Betteridge. (1998). Sperm and oocyte treatments to improve the formation of male and female pronuclei and subsequent development following intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Biology of Reproduction. 59:918-924.

NATIONAL (Domestic)

  1. Choi MJ, Byun JH, Kang EJ, Rho GJ, Kim UK, Kim JR, Park BW. (2008). Isolation of porcine multipotential skin-derived precursor cells and its multilineage differentiation. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 34(6): 588-593
  2. 최수호, 김주헌, 강태영, 이준희, 박용수, 노규진. (2008). Development a Following of Serum Addition In Vitro Culture and Embryo Transfe. 한국수정란이식학회지 23(1): 51-57
  3. 강은주, 류재규, 송혜진, 송승희, 노규진, 최상용. (2007). Effects of ANTORIN R-10 on Ovarian Morphology, Follicular Development and Serum Estradiol Level in Immature Wistar Rats. 한국임상수의학회지 24(4): 563-567
  4. 박봉욱, 이정희, 노규진, 김종렬, 변준호. (2007). Oral squamous cell carcinoma associated with human papillomavirus infections; two cases report and review of the literature. 대한구강안면외과학회지 33(5): 548-553
  5. 송혜진, 강은주, 옥선아 전병균, 노규진, 최상용. (2007). Influences of LH, FSH, EGF and Cysteine on In Vitro Canine Oocyte Maturation. Reproductive & Developmental Biology. 31(3): 169-174
  6. 최수호, 박용수, 손우진, 이준희, 노규진, 김주헌, 최상용. (2007). Superovulation Response by FSH Treatments in Hanwoo. Reproductive & Developmental Biology 31(3): 119-205
  7. Wan Sung Choi, Jae Yoon Han, Jae Yoon Han, Gyeong Jae Cho, Gu Seob Roh, Gu Seob Roh, Won Jun Choi, Won Young Paik, Gyu Jin Rho, Sang Soo Kang. (2006). Altered Gene Expression of Caspase-10, Death Receptor-3 and IGFBP-3 in Preeclamtic Placentas. 분자와 세포 22(2): 168-174
  8. 김주헌, 전제철, 노규진, 홍용근, 최상용. (2006). 돼지 적출 자궁 평활근의 운동성에 있어서 transmural nerve stimulation에 대한 β?adrenergic 신경의 이완작용. 한국임상수의학회지 23(4): 421-426. JH Kim, JC Jeon, GJ Rho, Y Hong, SY Cheo. (2006). Relaxative effect of transmural nerve stimulation via β-adrenergic nerve on the isolated uterine smmoth muscle motility of pigs. J Vet Clin 23(4): 421-426.
  9. Kim JG, B. Mohana Kumar, SK Cho, SA Ock, BG Jeon, S. Balasubramanian, GJ Rho, SY Choe. (2006). Comparisons of developmental potential and gene expression level in porcine nuclear transfer, parthenogenetic and fertilized embryos. Reprod Develop Biol 30(2) 119-124
  10. Song SH, JG Kim, HJ Song, B Mohana kumar, SR Cho, CY Choe, SH Choi, GJ Rho, SY Choe. (2005). Effect of EGF on meiotic maturation and pronuclear formation of porcine oocytes produced in vitro. Reprod Dev Biol 28:127-131.
  11. Jung YH, MS, Lee, GJ Jeon, SS Jang, GH Suh, JJ Park, CW Lee, KJ Na, GJ Rho, and SY Choe. (2004). Blood urea nitrogen and body condition score on reproductive efficiency in Korean cattle. Korean J. Emb. Trans. 19:53-59.
  12. Choi CY, DS Son, YK Kim, MH Han, UG Kweon, SH Choi, YH Chpy, SB Choi, YM Cho, SK Son, GJ Rho, and SY Choe. (2004). Development of superovulation method in Korean native goats. Korean J. Emb. Trans. 19:61-66.
  13. Choi CY, DS Son, YK Kim, MH Han, UG Kweon, SH Choi, YH Chpy, SB Choi, YM Cho, SK Son, GJ Rho, and SY Choe. (2004). Effect of antioxidant on development of embryos in Korean native goats. Korean J. Emb. Trans. 19:67-73.
  14. SY Choe,YG Hwang, SL Lee, SR Cho, SA Ock and GJ Rho. (2003). Effect of progesterone implant and follicular rupture on estrus induction and fertility in anestrus cows. Korean J. Emb. Trans. 18: 115-124.
  15. BJ Jeon, SL Lee, SA Ock, KS Kim, JS Moon, DO Kwack, GJ Rho, and SY Choe. (2003). Influence of humen follicular fluid for IVF on PN grade and development of human embryos. Korean J. Emb. Trans. 18: 125-134.
  16. BJ Jeon, SL Lee, SA Ock, KS Kim, JS Moon, DO Kwack, GJ Rho, and SY Choe. (2003). Effect of PN grade on subsequent in vitro of human embryos. Korean J. Emb. Trans. 18: 135-142.
  17. CS Kim, CKWon, GH Cho, KW Cho, JS Park, GJ Rho. (2002). A case of fuse throacic vertebrae, and lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and ilium of African elephant (Loxodonta africana) were fused one another partially. Korean J Vet Res 42(2):131-136.
  18. SA Ock, DO Kwack, SR Cho, SK Cho, EH Yeao, JG Yoo, YR Lee, HJ Lee, SY Choe, GJ Rho. (2002). Development of Bovine Embryos Produced by Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). Korean J. Emb. Trans, 17(1): 13-21.
  19. SH Choi, YS Park, SR Cho, TY Kang, SH Sin, SS Kang. GJ Rho, SY Choe. (2002). Superovulation Response and Quality of Embryos Recovered from Cattle After a Single Subcutaneous Injection of FSH Dissolved in Polyethylene Glycol. Korean J. Emb. Trans, 17(1): 67-77.
  20. 20. SL Lee, TY Kang, JG Yoo, HJ Yeo, SN Kim, SA Ock, GJ Rho, SY Choe. (2001). Development of parthenotes produced by various treatments in bovine. Korean J Emb Trans 16:107-115.
  21. JR Cheong, JG Yoo, SR Yang, HJ Yeo, JS Bhak, EH Yeao, GJ Rho, SY Choe. (2001). Acrosomal changes and survivability of following preservation of dog spermatozoa. I. Effect of different freezing ramp rates. Korean J Emb Trans 16:133-138.
  22. JR Cheong, JG Yoo, SR Yang, HJ Yeo, JS Bhak, EH Yeao, GJ Rho, SY Choe. (2001). Acrosomal changes and survivability of following preservation of dog spermatozoa. I. The effects of different chilling duration. Korean J Emb Trans 16:35-40.
  23. SK Cho, GJ Rho, JG Lee, HJ Lee, SY Choe, CS Park. (2000). Effect of different culture conditions on in vitro production of bovine embryos. Korean J Emb Trans 15:271-277.
  24. TY Kang, XJ Yin, GJ Rho, H Lee, YJ Chae, HJ Lee. (2000). Cloning of transgenic rabbit embryos expressing green fluorescent protein gene by nuclear transplantation. Korean J Emb Trans 15:167-173.
  25. HJ Lee, TY Kang, GJ Rho, YJ Chae, H Lee, SY Choe. (2000). Screening of green fluorescent protein gene and sexing by PCR in bovine embryos. Korean J Emb Trans 15:157-165.
  26. SD Kwak, CS Kim, SB Kim, GJ Rho, PO Koh. (2000). A case of lymphoma in a Holstein cattle. Korean J Vet Clin Med 17:289-292.
  27. BC Lee, KN Lee, ES Lee, CH Son, IS Yul, SY Choi, GJ Rho, SJ Oh, KK Jung, SC Kim, KS Kim, SC Joo, G Jang, WS Hwang. (2000). Studies on development of breeding technique to increase Hanwoo. Korean J Emb Trans 15:77-83.
  28. XJ Yin, SK Cho, GJ Rho, HJ Lee, SY Choe, CS Park. (1999). Production of identical rabbit offspring by nuclear transplantation. Korean J Emb Trans 14:195-201.
  29. GJ Rho. (1998). Effect of sperm pretreatment technique on subsequent in vitro development of bovine embryos. Korean J Emb Trans 13:117-125.
  30. CY Choe, GJ Rho, SY Choe. (1998). Effect of gonadotropin treatments on ovarian response, ovulation and embryo production in rabbits. Korean J Emb Trans 13:127-137.
  31. SY Choe, GJ Rho, IK Kong, SH Song, SK Cho, JK Park, HJ Lee, CS Park. (1997). Effects of manipulation conditions on development of nuclear transplant bovine embryos derived from in vitro matured oocytes. Korean J Animal Reprod 21:293-302.
  32. DS Son, IH Kim, HJ Lee, BC Yang, SH Choi, KW Lee, GJ Rho, SY Choe. (1997). Studies on embryo cryopreservation and twinning by embryo transfer of Korean Native Cattle : III. Culture and Freezing of IVF bisected embryos. Korean journal of embryo transfer Vol.12(2) pp.151-159
  33. GJ Rho, TY Kang, HJ Lee, CS Park, SY Choe. (1996). Production efficiency of in vitro fertilized embryo by different maturation periods and culture systems. Korean J Emb Trans 11:241-248.
  34. SY Cheo, GJ Rho, CY Choe, TY Kang, XY Yin, WJ Son, HJ Lee, CS Park. (1996). Superovulation in rabbits with a single injection of FSH dissolved in polyvinylpyrrolidone. Korean Emb Trans 11:211-216.
  35. SY Choe, YR Lee, GJ Rho, HJ Lee, CS Park. (1995). Cryopreservation of rabbit embryos by vitrification. Korean Vet Res 35:635-641.
  36. HJ Lee, BG Jeon, KM Lee, HJ Yun, IK Kong, GJ Rho, MC Choi, SY Choe, CS Park. (1994). Production of cloned rabbits by nuclear transplantation. Korean J Emb Trans 9:161-165.
  37. IK Kong, GJ Rho, KH Cheong, EB Lee, SK Cho, CS Park. (1994). Effect of equilibration time and developmental stage on the survival of mouse embryos cryopreserved by vitrification in EFS solution. Korean J Emb Trans 9:173-179.
  38. GJ Rho, IK Kong, DO Kwak, HJ Lee, SY Choe, CS Park. (1994). Effect of electric stimulation on parthenogenesis of in vitro matured oocytes from Korean native heifers. Korean J Emb Trans 9:145-151.
  39. CS Park, IK Kong, GJ Rho, HJ Lee, SY Choe. (1994). In vitro development of nuclear transplanted bovine embryos using in vitro fertilized embryos of Korean native heifers. Korean J Animal Reprod 18:113-119.
  40. GJ Rho, SE Park, CS Shim, JH Kim, SY Choe. (1994). Actions of acetylcholine, norepinephrine, histamine and prostaglandin F2? on the motility of pig oviductal isthmic smooth muscle. Korean J Vet Res 34:493-500.
  41. CS Park, IK Kong, GJ Rho, YK Joo, SH Song, YG Whang, JK Park, SK Cho, BG Jeon, KM Lee, HJ Yun, MC Choi, HJ Lee, SY Choe. (1994). Production of Korean native calf by in vitro maturation, fertilization, cultivation and transfer of embryos into Holstein cows. Korean J Animal Reprod 18:47-54.
  42. GJ Rho, HJ Lee, SH Song, HJ Yun, CS Park. (1994). Effect of culture media and co-culture with bovine or rabbit oviductal epithelial cells on in vitro development of rabbit embryos. Korean J Animal Reprod 18:39-46.
  43. IK Kong, YK Joo, DO Kwack, GJ Rho, CS Park. (1994). Effects of addition of granulosa cells for oocyte maturation on cleavage and development of ovine IVF embryos. Korean J Emb Trans 9:1-6.
  44. SY Choe, IK Kong, YK Joo, GJ Rho, YK Kim, CS Park. (1993). Fertilization in vitro of follicular oocytes and cryopreservation of embryo fertilized and developed in vitro in Korean native cattle. Korean J Vet Res 33:757-762.



  • 성 명 : 이성림 (Lee, Sung-Lim)
  • 직 급 : 조교수
  • 연구실 : 수의산과학
  • 전 화 : 055-751-5811
  • E-mail : sllee@gnu.ac.kr
  • 담당과목 : 수의산과학


  • 경상대학교 수의과대학 (수의학 학사)
  • 경상대학교 대학원 수의학과 수의임상의학 전공 (수의학 석사)
  • 경상대학교 대학원 수의학과 수의산과학 전공 (수의학 박사)


  • National Institute of Health (NIH), Baltimore, MD, USA (Postdoctoral Fellow)



  1. Zscan4 regulates telomere elongation and genomic stability in ES cells. Zalzman M, Falco G, Sharova LV, Nishiyama A, Thomas M, Lee SL, Stagg CA, Hoang HG, Yang HT, Indig FE, Wersto RP, Ko MS. Nature. 2010 Apr 8.
  2. Influence of Parthenogenetic Activation on Nuclear Maturation of Canine Oocytes. Song HJ, Kang EJ, Kim MJ, Ock SA, Jeon BG, Lee SL, Rho GJ. J Vet Med Sci. 2010 Mar 10.
  3. Developmental Ability of Miniature Pig Embryos Cloned with Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Lee SL, Kang EJ, Maeng GH, Kim MJ, Park JK, Kim TS, Hyun SH, Lee ES, Rho GJ. J Reprod Dev. 2010 Jan 27.
  4. Uncovering early response of gene regulatory networks in ESCs by systematic induction of transcription factors. Nishiyama A, Xin L, Sharov AA, Thomas M, Mowrer G, Meyers E, Piao Y, Mehta S, Yee S, Nakatake Y, Stagg C, Sharova L, Correa-Cerro LS, Bassey U, Hoang H, Kim E, Tapnio R, Qian Y, Dudekula D, Zalzman M, Li M, Falco G, Yang HT, Lee SL, Monti M, Stanghellini I, Islam MN, Nagaraja R, Goldberg I, Wang W, Longo DL, Schlessinger D, Ko MS. Cell Stem Cell. 2009 2;5(4):420-33.
  5. In vitro and in vivo osteogenesis of porcine skin-derived mesenchymal stem cell-like cells with a demineralized bone and fibrin glue scaffold. Kang EJ, Byun JH, Choi YJ, Maeng GH, Lee SL, Kang DH, Lee JS, Rho GJ, Park BW. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010 16(3):815-27.
  6. Stanghellini I, Falco G, Lee SL, Monti M, Ko MS. Gene Expr. Patterns. Trim43a, Trim43b, and Trim43c: Novel mouse genes expressed specifically in mouse preimplantation embryos.. 2009 ;9(8):595-602.
  7. BM Kumar, JG Yoo, SA Ock, JG Kim, HJ Song, EJ Kang, SK Cho, SL Lee, JH Cho, S Balasubramanian. and GJ Rho. Mol. Cell. 2007 31;24(3):343-50. Characterization and in vitro differentiation of mesenchymal progenitor cells derived from porcine umbilical cord blood.
  8. SL Lee*, G Falco *, I Stanghellini, Bassey UC, Hamatani T, Ko MS. Zscan4: a novel gene expressed exclusively in late 2-cell embryos and embryonic stem cells. Dev Biol. 2007 15;307(2) :539-50. * These authors contributed equally.
  9. SA Ock, SL Lee, JG Kim, BM Kumar, S Balasubramanian, SY Choe, GJ Rho. Development and quality of porcine embryos in different culture system and embryo-producing methods. Zygote. 2007 15(1):1-8.
  10. SL Lee, BM Kumar, JG Kim, SA Ock, BG Jeon, S Balasubramanian, SY Choe, GJ Rho. Cellular composition and viability of cloned bovine embryos using exogene-transfected somatic cells. Reprod Domest Anim. 2007 42(1):44-52.
  11. SA Ock, DO Kwack, SL Lee, SR Cho, BG Jeon, BM Kumar, SY Choe, GJ Rho. In vitro development of bovine oocytes reconstructed with round spermatids. Theriogenology. 2006 15; 65(7):1242-1253.
  12. SA Ock, SL Lee, BG Jeon, SR Cho, BM Kumar, YS Choi, SY Choe, GJ Rho. Isolation and viability of presumptive spermatids collected from bull testes by Percoll density gradient. Anim Reprod Sci. 2006 93(1-2):144-156.
  13. JS Bhak, SL Lee, SA Ock, BM Kumar, SY Choe, GJ Rho. Developmental rate and ploidy of embryos produced by nuclear transfer with different activation treatments in cattle. Anim Reprod Sci. 2006 92(1-2): 37-49.
  14. SL Lee, SA Ock, JG Yoo, BM Kumar, SY Choe and GJ Rho, Efficiency of gene transfection into donor cells for nuclear transfer of bovine embryos. Mol Reprod Dev. 2005 21(72):191-200.
  15. YS Kim, SL Lee, SA Ock, S Balasubramanian, SY Choe and GJ Rho, Development of cloned pig embryos by nuclear transfer following different activation treatments. Mol Reprod Dev. 2005 70(3):308-313.
  16. GJ Rho, SL Lee, YS Kim, HJ Yeo, SA Ock, S Balasubramanian and SY Choe, Intracytoplasmic sperm injection of frozen-thawed bovine oocytes and subsequent embryo development. Mol Reprod Dev. 2004 68(4):449-455.
  17. SR Cho, SK Cho, SL Lee, HJ Lee, SY Choe and GJ Rho, Enhanced cryosurvival of bovine blastocysts produced in vitro in serum-free medium. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2002 19(10):487-492.


  1. BG Jeon, SL Lee, SA Ock, KS Kim, JS Moon, DO Kwack, GJ Rho and SY Choe. Effect of PN Grade on Subsequent Development In Vitro of Human Embryos. Korean J. Emb. Trans, 2003 18(2):1 35-142.
  2. YR Lee, SL Lee, TY Kang and SY Choe. Viability and Acrosomal Status Changes Following Post-thawing Canine Spermatozoa. Korean J. Emb. Trans, 2003 18(1):51-59.
  3. BG Jeon, SL Lee, SA Ock, KS Kim, JS Moon, DO Kwack, GJ Rho and SY Choe. Influence of Human Follicular Fluid for IVF on PN Grade and Development of Human embryos. Korean J. Emb. Trans, 2003 18(2): 125-134.
  4. SY Choe, YG Hwang, SL Lee, SR Cho, SA Ock and GJ Rho. Effect of Progesterone Implant and Follicular Rupture on Estrus Induction and Fertility in Anestrus Cows. Korean J. Emb. Trans, 2003 18(2): 115-124.
  5. SL Lee, TY Kang, JG Yoo, HJ Yeo, SN Kim, SA Ock, GJ Rho and SY Choe. Development of Parthenotes Produced by Various Treatments in Bovine. Korean J. Emb. Trans, 2001 16(2):107-115.
  6. SL Lee, JM Hwang, SC Yeon, and HJ Lee. Anesthetic effects of tiletamine/zolazepam in combination with acepromazine or fentanyl/ xylazine/azaperone in dogs. Journal of veterinary clinics, 2001,18(1):22-28
  7. JG Yoo, SR Cho, SL Lee, SA Ock, GJ Rho, DS Son, HJ Lee and SY Choe. (2001). Activation of Bovine Oocytes by Combined Treatment with Ionomycin and cdc2 kinase Inhibitor. Korean J. Emb. Trans, 2001 16(3): 223-231.
  8. EH Yeao, YS Kim, SL Lee, TY Kang, DO Kwack, HJ Lee, and SY Choe, Development of chimeric embryos aggregated with blastomeres from parthenogenetic and in vitro fertilized bovine embryos. Korean J. Emb. Trans, 2003 18(1):15-25.


취득학위 이름 현 근무처 및 직위 비고
Ph. D 손동수 축산기술연구소 연구관
Ph. D 이영락 부산동물병원장
Ph D. 조상래 축산기술 연구소 Post-doct.
Ph D. 전병균 충북대학교 연구교수
Ph D 최창용 축산기술연구소 연구사
Ph D 이성림 미국 NIH Post-doct.
Ph D 손우진 사천동물병원장
MS 이민기 뽀삐 동물병원장
MS 황영균 자연동물병원장
MS 류재규 미국 NIH Post-doct. Ph.D(몬트리올대학교 수의과대학)
MS 양성열 서울 동물병원
MS 박종식 경남축산진흥연구소 연구사
MS 김세나 (주) 제니스유통 관리수의사
MS 여현진 수의사
MS 정정란 다솜동물병원장
MS 예은하 경기도 양주시청 농축산과
MS 정영훈 강원도 축산기술연구소 연구사
MS 김양실 진주 가야자모병원
MS 김동식 고성동물변원장
Ms 석련옥 중국동포(귀국)
Ms 김해봉 중국동포(귀국)
Ms 정연지 부산대학교 연원
BS 이석재 창원동물병원장
BS 하동진 서울대 대학원

현 실험실원

취득학위 이름 현 근무처 및 직위 비고
Ph. D S. Balasubramalia Exchange professor 인도, Madras Veterinary College, Tamil Nadu Veterinary andAnimal Sciences University, 교수
Ph. D Mohana Kumar Post-doct.
Ph. D 옥선아 Post-doct.
Ph D course 최수호 경북축산기술연구소 연구사
Ph D course 안현철 가람동물병원장
Ph D course 송승희 창원전문대학 애완동물관리과, 교수
Ph D course 김정곤 박사 2년차
Ph D course 송혜진 석박사 통합 3년차
MS course 이효권 합천 축협
MS course 문영철 경남수의약품
Ms course 허영 국제동물병원장
Ms course 고영진 울산동물병원장
Ms course 노치원 농촌진흥청 연구사
Ms course 정창민 하나동물병원장
Ms course 김대실 함안 인공수정센터
Ms course 강은주 석박사 통합과정 2년차
Ms course 김미경 석사과정 2년차
양영인 석사과정 1년차
Ms course
Ms course 김상선 산청군청 친환경 농축산과
BS 이승환 본과4학년
BS 맹근호 본과4학년
BS 안지훈 본과2학년
BS 권도형 본과1학년

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