
[식품] PLoS Medicine Series on Big Food


2012_Manufacturingepidemic_PlosMed_Stuckler.pdf (256.64 KB)

조홍준 대표님께서 PLOS Medicine에서 2012년 6월호 특집으로 다국적 식음료산업
(multinational food and  beverage industry)을 조명한 big food 내용을 소개해주셨습니다.

거대식품회사와 식품체계, 그리고 전세계의 건강 문제에 관한 논쟁적인 문제들을
다루었으며, 식량주권(Food Sovereignty) 문제, 브라질의 관점에서 다국적 식음료 거대
기업의 영향, 탄산음료와 담배기업의 사회적 책임, 가공식품 및 주류 및 담배를 건강에
해로운 상품의 소비증가에 있어서 다국적 거대기업의 역할 등을 다루었습니다.

첨부파일은 “미국과의 자유무역협정 여부가 soft drink 소비량을 55% 증가시키고, 미국과
 FTA를 맺은 멕시코와 그렇지 않은 베네주엘라의 soft drink 소비량의 차이가 나는 그림 등
재미있는 내용이 포함되어 있습니다.”(조홍준 대표님의 소개 글 중에서)

Table of Contents: PLoS Medicine Series on Big Food

출처 : http://www.ploscollections.org/article/browse/issue/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fissue.pcol.v07.i17


Image Credit: Original image by Todd Hryckowian at flickr.com, with enhancements by Lizzy Parisotto, PLoS.

Issue Image

The PLoS Medicine series on Big Food aims to examine and stimulate debate about the activities and influence of the food industry in global health. We define “Big Food” as the multinational food and beverage industry with huge and concentrated market power. The series adopts a multi-disciplinary approach and includes critical perspectives from around the world. It represents one of first times such issues have been examined in the general medical literature.

The PLoS Medicine Editors begin the series with an editorial discussing the rationale and process of commissioning articles for the series. As they note, industry in health has long fascinated PLoS Medicine but the journal’s focus on Big Food is new. Food, unlike tobacco and drugs, is necessary to live and is central to health and disease. And yet the big multinational food companies control what people everywhere eat, resulting in a stark and sick irony: one billion people on the planet are hungry while two billion are obese or overweight. The guest editors, Marion Nestle and David Stuckler, then lay out a background to the role of Big Food in global health, and offer three competing views of how public health professionals can respond. Subsequent articles include: a comparison of soda companies’ corporate social responsibility campaigns with those of the tobacco industry; an analysis of the rapid rise of Big Food sales in developing countries; an essay on food sovereignty and who holds power over food; views from South America and Africa on the displacement of traditional diets by the incursion of multinational food companies; and a perspective arguing against an uncritical acceptance of the food industry in health. www.ploscollections.org/bigfood



Big Food, Food Systems, and Global Health

David Stuckler, Marion Nestle


Policy Forums

Soda and Tobacco Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Campaigns: How Do They Compare?

Lori Dorfman, Andrew Cheyne, Lissy C. Friedman, Asiya Wadud, Mark Gottlieb

“Big Food,” the Consumer Food Environment, Health, and the Policy Response in South Africa

Ehimario U. Igumbor, David Sanders, Thandi R. Puoane, Lungiswa Tsolekile, Cassandra Schwarz, Christopher Purdy, Rina Swart, Solange Durão, Corinna Hawkes

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