
Global Health Watch 3


global health watch 3.pdf (5.16 MB)

People’s Health Movement, Medact, Health Action International, Medicos International, Third World Network 등의 단체가 지난 2011년 펴낸 보고서입니다. 건강 관련 이슈 현황과 대안을 정리해 논 간략한 보고서입니다. 참고하세요. 목차는 아래와 같습니다.

Section A T he global political and economic architecture
A1 Economic crisis and systemic failure: why we need to rethink the global economy

Section B H ealth systems: current issues and debates
B1 Primary health care: a review and critical appraisal of its ‘revitalisation’
B2 Financing health care: aiming for long-term solutions
B3 Health financing models that make health systems work: case studies from Costa Rica, Sri Lanka and Thailand
B4 Dysfunctional health systems: case studies from China, India and the US
B5 Achieving a shared goal: free universal health care in Ghana
B6 Maternal mortality: need for a broad framework of intervention
B7 Research for health
B8 Pandemic influenza preparedness: in search of a global health ethos
B9 Mental health and inequality

Section C Beyond health care
C1 The global food crisis
C2 Health information, conflict, and the right to health
C3 Trade and health
C4 The future is now: genetic promises and speculative finance
C5 Climate crisis
C6 Challenging the population: climate connection

Section D Watching
D1 World health organisation: captive to conflicting interests
D2 UNICEF and the ‘medicalisation’ of malnutrition in children
D3 Conflicts of interest within philanthrocapitalism
D4 The pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical endeavour
D5 Health and global security: reasons for concern
D6 The international health partnership+: glass half full or half empty?
D7 New reproductive technologies

Section E Resistance, actions, and change
E1 The movement for change
E2 The right to health: from concept to action
E3 Cuba’s international cooperation in health

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